Xx Bye Sulzer xXIt was my second "Last Day" at Sulzer last Friday. I guess I won't be going back there for at least 5 years. Anyway, I could've ended my stay on the 29th of this month. But I decided to leave a little early for several reasons (that shall only be known to myself. =P)

Had a few "Farewell" meals. Had dinner with my team at Ma Maison (again) last Monday. It was a treat from the boss, Jiaping. Anyway, it was quite an enjoyable night... Though it would be great if work issues could've been dropped from the conversations. Then again, what else can we talk about? Haha.

Oh yeah. They bought me a shirt and a cap as part of my birthday and farewell gift. Yongwei said the cap would definitely come in handy soon (I'm sure you know when). I was about to buy a cap anyways.

May Mong decided to give me a lunch treat on Friday at Crystal Jade. I didn't expect anything from her, since she's totally from another department. Maybe it's 'coz I talk too much crap with her.
Lastly, I had dinner with Francis at Holland Village. We went to a place called Tapas Wine Bistro. The food's pretty good and the place has great ambience. I felt kinda bad as it was quite a hefty bill (plus another dinner at Billy Bombers last month). Usually I'd return the treat with some drinks, but his stomach was acting up again. Anyway, told him I'd return him the treat next time.
Yong Wei
Poh Khim
Boss - Jiaping; Sales GM - Mr. Chan
Mostly Chemicals Group I people =) Well. It was a great experience working with such great colleagues. I hope I will have the same luxury when I do eventually step out into the working world.
"National Servitude" is up next. What a fucking waste of time. Think of all the productive man hours lost. Stupid idea. Sheesh.
I guess that's about it. Redang trip tomorrow! Whoot!
Auf wiedersehen.
// Citizen Erased @ 4:26 PM
Xx Happy Birthday 2008 xXOkay. So I've been celebrating the demise of my 1- age prefix.
First things first. Here's what I received from my really great friends!
Zara T-shirt from NP Classmates. Ikea stuff (lol?) from Red Cross Gang. Sheaffer Pen from Francis.

Yep. That's my name engraved on the pen.Went to celebrate with my NP classmates last Friday at Monster Mash Cafe, somewhere in Holland Village. I read some good reviews online, so I thought we could give it a try.

Somehow, "pervert" always seems like the best word to describe Alex.

Hmmm... Like some sort of politician. WJ, if you do become a politician, please do everyone a favor and not join PAP (unless you intend to scrap NS).


Bangers and Mash

Well. It wasn't THAT fantastic. I found the sausages (or "Bangers") a little too salty. The Mash potatoes were pretty alright. Shaun ate some Burger, but I wasn't too sure which. Anyway, sad to say, I don't think I'll be returning there anytime soon.
Subsequently, I kinda fell sick the following day. I don't know if it was the beer or the sausages, but I really felt like crap. Nauseated, had a bad headache and slight fever. I doubt 1 pint+ of beer will give me a hangover that bad, so I'm thinking it was the food. Even thinking of the sausages now, gives me the jitters. Eugh. Didn't go to work on Monday (the day of my birthday itself) 'coz wasn't feeling too well again.
Spent my Tuesday night at Hougang Plaza's Suki Sushi with the Red Cross gang. Haha. I got there really late, 'coz of the stupid freaking long queue of 161 from Woodlands. By the time I sat down, they had already apparently stuffed themselves full. So I was pretty much the only one stuffing my face with sashimi, sushi and what-not. It was good fun. All the lame jokes, as usual.
Had dinner with Dyna at Ma Maison. Dyna's just a colleague, don't get too excited. Haha! It's a Jap-French restaurant located at The Central, Clarke Quay. The ambience was really good. Sort of cozy, like a home. Ma Maison mean My Home in French, I think. So that explains the "homely" feeling. The staff is really friencly and service is pretty good. Food's quite alright and affordable as well. Will be returning there next Monday (to make use of the 20% discount Ladies Night promo) for my "Farewell" dinner from my work groupmates/ colleagues.
That's about it for this year's birthday. Another year older already?! Hmmm. Wish I could stop growing old at maybe... 27? Haha. Oh yeah, all the photos you see are taken by the DSLR my eldest bro gave me (sort of). He wasn't using it since he already has a new one. Here are some other shots I took randomly the past few days. I'm no photographer, but they look pretty decent to me. Auf Wiedersehen!

Somehow this badly taken shot looks quite good.
// Citizen Erased @ 5:26 PM