Xx Phuket Trip 2008 + Final Semester Results xXAlright. Shall not wait for the photos from the others. I'm actually missing a lot of photos because I was kinda lazy to bring my camera around, and most of the trip is on Havard's videocam. Will post interesting shots from their cameras soon. I'll try to just post the pictures in order.
Update 1: Select photos from Harvard's camera have been posted under their respective days. Still to come - Videos and photos from Shaun's cam.Day 1
Happy people

Feels kinda abstract with all that motion blur

Close up of Alvin's "hardly-ever-used-nowadays" *krakk-krakk* wind-up underwater camera

Heading towards the gate

Happy people on the opposite aisle

Happy people on the aisle behind us (Shihwing missing from picture)

Happy people on my aisle

Oh. Yes please!

View outside the window (I felt kinda "chink" taking these shots. Lol)

On our way to the hotel

Our hotel... is the building on the right side, not the one in focus.

Bargaining for the ATV tour package

Alex's alter ego, as shown in the front page of the brochure

A small view of what Patong Beach has to offer

Singha beer in a very pretty Smirnoff Vodka styrofoam warmer (or cooler)
Wanted to bring one of these warmers back home, but missed the chance

"VR man sei!"

VR man fans. LOL!*What you didn't see from Day 1
- Phuket has more caucasians than you can ever imagine
- We had a fantastic eat-all-you-can barbeque dinner. Owners of the place were some really nice Danish people. I think Harvard has a video clip of the place.
- There was this street we had to walk through to get to Patong beach. Shihwing named it Street Of Sluts (SOS). We totally dread walking through that street, 'coz an entire horde of Thai girls will just come up to you and go "Hello! Massage~". Shihwing got tickled by one of the girls! Too bad I didn't see it 'coz I was walking in front.
- Bangla road. Probably where all the soliciting occurs. Thai trannies roam the streets "like free".
- My roomies smelled like indians 'coz we bought shower cream that smelt of roses.
- Late-night 9-player game of Bluff and Donkey.
Day 2
Quote "See what shit?" Lols.

Quad-bikes a.k.a. ATVs

Sua gu. Never see important officials zoom past in flashy vehicles before. =P

I'll give you $5 for each eye you gouge out. Hahaha!

Get ready for the fearsome parasailing Parasailormoon Alvin! That sailormoon thing was random. =D

5 foolhardy fools preparing to ride the bananaboat. We managed to fight against the boat driver's attempt to throw us off the bananaboat. Though we did fall off twice, compared to the other 4's triple wipeout. =)

Uber-lobster that cost us SGD25 each. It was great though.

Crazed Shaun ate Topless 5 on his own. The Swensens there is pretty cheap ya.Day 3
Paintball battleground

As usual, they discriminate the Blue team by the lack of photos. Anyway, presenting the suited Red Team.

Really really tired after the skirmish
Check out the bruise on Lynette's arm from Day 2's Bananaboat experience

Warmonger's essentials

Central Festival, where Harvard and Shih Wing had their hot-rice-that-make-you-cry.

Apparently I'm Guur to the Thai people.
How do you even read Shihwing's name? Saint Wiry?

Alex, Alvin, LYNETTE, Elena
Lynette had the honor of "Most Deformed Name"

Alex on the trolley at "Dua C" (Big C, which is a Thai supermarket)

Harvard bought this shirt, which should seriously be the international flag of Phuket.*What you didn't see from Day 3
- I got paintball paint in my mouth
- Alvin and Lynette choosing big boxes of Thai instant noodles to bring home
- Late night Texas Hold'em. I had the "fengshui" spot in Harvard's room, and lost it when we moved to Elena's room.
- Harvard drinking milk and the rest of us drinking beer. So guai(1).
Day 4
View from the hotel on our floor
Taken as we were leaving

Part of NP CBE 3A07, Class of 2008

Checking in at Phuket International Airport

Boarding pass issued at Phuket International Airport
It's handwritten. Unique.

Getting ready to get off the plane. Budget airline seats aren't as bad as what they say! (Unless you're flying for like 5 hours.)

Shot of the plane in SingaporeI guess that's about all for the Phuket trip. Will post the remaining photos and videos, so watch this same space.
Final Semester Results
OK. Really pissed with WISP. Must be 'coz of that d**n lecturer. My classmates under other lecturers scored at least a B (I assume the quality of work is the same). Graduating with a GPA of 3.85. I estimate it to have a 90% probability outside the Top 10% threshold. "Happy happy" to those who'll be receiving Diploma w/ Merit.
Pika doesn't want to join my "frustration and anger relief" scheme to bring rotten cabbages and bad eggs to the graduation ceremony. Plan B is to go "hit small people". Anybody else who's interested, please drop me a tag. Lol. I'm serious! (In thought, at least. Haha)
Till next time, Auf wiedersehen!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:50 PM