Xx Attachment starts soon! xXMan... Holidays just started last Friday and ends today. My attachment starts next week. Apparently, I'm not attached to Croda. Which is half-good 'coz I don't have to travel into Jurong Island! Yes! Mehehe. Bad thing is, I still have to travel to the West side of Singapore. Drats! I've been attached to
Sulzer Chemtech Pte Ltd. Aiyaiyai.
It involves project management, which equates to thinking
and presenting (Die!), which equates to stress, which can also equate to bad results and probably lots of report writing. =( Oh ya! There's also no leave to take. Damn damn damn! I wanna go
Hong Kong! I just wanna take August 10th off since 9th August is National Day and this attachment ends on August 11th (My birthday!). Damn it!!!
Grah!!! I hope I can survive this 24-week gauntlet.
Anyway, sent Lynette and Lid Yinn off to their OIAP at Australia last night. Obviously, Lynette is the one that cried. Lol. Good Luck to them anyways. Ha.
Oh yes. Watched
The Protege yesterday as well. It was a really good movie. It's quite "psycho", if I can use this word to describe it. I don't know if it will deter people from taking drugs, but the movie was rather impactful. On a scale of 5, I give it a 4.5.
Must watch! Ha.
I caught
Just Follow Law last week. It was quite humorous but still a typical Jack Neo film. Poking fun at local issues. This time, it's directed at the way a governmental/ business organisation operates. The funny factor was basically built upon the following:
Poh-fessionals, "arrow-shooting", black & white to cover
"ka chng", "Must write in and will take 3 working days to process", and perhaps Gurmit Singh and Fann Wong switching bodies.
Was quite an alright film. I'd give it a 3.5-4 on a scale of 5.
That's about it I guess. Feeling really Zzzzz-ed 'coz the horror is about to begin real soon. I shall live through these "Trials and Tribulations"! Ha!
That's about it. Till next time. Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:53 AM
Xx It's a boy! xX
Ha! I'm now officially an uncle. Well, at least for the past 6 days and 8 hours. Ha! I just didn't blog it out till now 'coz I was pretty darned lazy.
Anyway, me being an uncle thing, hasn't really got me excited. I dunno if I should do something about my reaction, or lack therof. Ha! I haven't exactly got a soft spot for babies. I'm "more than human"! Lol. I bet my parents are like over the moon. My sis-in-law didn't really fulfil her hopes of having a baby before 30. Ha. Doesn't really matter now, 'coz she just had one. Meh. =P
By the way, my nephew's name is Ashton Foo *something* Xi. Hahaha! I can't remember whats the other chinese character. I shan't comment on the name, though I do have my opinions about it.
Alright, that's it for the uncle thing. Industrial attachment issues. Chris told me I'm gonna be attached to Croda on Jurong Island. Ha! How cool is that? The company that everyone despises the most. I can't really confirm the authenticity of this arrangement 'coz it's just by word-of-mouth. I can't be half-assed to ask Dr. Lim either. She's had enough trouble with arranging students for IAP already, plus I don't really give a hoot anymore ever since Exxon dropped me from my attachment. They'll be giving me 550 smackers a month. Transport excluded. Equals 400 moolah every 28/31 days for 5 months. Lol. Whatever!
Exam period now. Just had Engineering Math on Friday. I probably lost around 20 marks, but I think I'll still be able to get my A. By the way, I seem to have lost my fire for studying. For the past 3 semesters, I used to be able to mug till 2.30am and still wake up at 6.30am for the exam the next day. Now, I'd count myself lucky if I got past the 11pm mark. After 11, I'd just start idling and stare at my notes. Just a few clicks on the laptop and the word "studying" is flung out of the window, not literally, faster than you can say "OhLaLa!" (I think I've only learnt this from all the French lessons). Yeeeyayayaa! How am I gonna get my Aces for this semester like that?! Too late for that now. Ha. Papers from Monday - Thursday. Oh, the Humanity!!!
Bleah. I think that's all for now. Anyway, here are some pictures of my new puppy, Bongo, and some other random freeze frames. Nope, no Ashton for you 'coz I don't have any photos of him yet. Ha! Pictures taken on my N80, which is a superb phone. But every phone has an achilles' heel, and the N80's the camera. The lens shutter is like retarded or something. I'd give it, at most, a 1/60 shutter speed. Because of this low speed, the pictures turn out like "fudgecake". Grah!
Alright la. That's all for now. Till next time, Au revoir!
P.S. Just changed MV again. I'd rather MUSE play this fantastic acoustic guitar song on that day than Soldier's Poem. I can't seem to play this song right. Damn. I really suck. =( By the way, there's a nice little trumpet solo towards the end.

As if losing patches of hair weren't bad enough. They just had to add insult to injury, huh? I took this photo while queuing up for the Muse concert.

Unauthorised decoration of the Bio Lab for CNY. Check out the paper-towel "Shuang Xi". Ha! The last time I checked, the "adornments" were still there. Lol.

What's this duck doing in front of the staff office?

Salut! Je m'appelle Bongo.
// Citizen Erased @ 12:08 AM
Xx The end of Year 2 xXHow time flies. Cliche but true. It's the end of another semester and the conclusion of my second year in NP. Another year closer to conscription, what a sinful delight (Not!). Semester exams lie ahead of me and I'm truely not in the "panic" zone yet. Wonder if I'll hit the "
distress" button anytime soon. Lol. This time round, I can't tell if my grades are gonna "slip 'n' slide" or go "through the roof". Hopefully it's the latter though.
Anyway, ExxonMobil decided to drop me from my attachment position for being "Colour Blind" and for "fear that presence of CO2 or other gases in the refinery may trigger an asthma attack". Like please, I may have Red-Green colour deficiency but I can still
see colours. In fact, I don't even know what colour I can't see. I can tell red from green, for "falalalas'" sake. I can see colours, goddammit. It's not like I totally can't see green, unlike Reuben. Lol. Like come on! As if the refinery has coloured knobs and valves covering the entire optical spectrum.
Gases that may trigger my asthma attack? First off, I've not had an asthma attack for 2 years and I have clearly stated that. Secondly, if "other gases" were allowed to leak into the surrounding atmosphere, the entire refinery would've been blown to
kingdom come an aeon ago.
Grah! Whatever. It's just Industrial Attachment. No biggie. Put me in a place where I'd be bored to tears! Why couldn't they state earlier what they didn't want! Now I don't even have the chance to choose a company. Morons!
Bad things aside, I went to
Settlers' Cafe with a few of my classmates yesterday. Played quite a few board games. It was a heck of a good time, really! Wish I had cooler secondary school friends though. I'm just saying what I think. I think I've had more fun with my polytechnic friends than with my secondary school friends. Well, it might be 'coz there's hardly any contact with them anymore. I mean, how many outings have my clique had for the past year and how many of those outings did we actually "have fun"? I'm sure I can count the former with my fingers and I might not even need any fingers for the latter. Just my frank thoughts, or maybe I'm just disconnected.
Anyway, the most entertaining game last night would have to be that 'Barn Animals' game called
Snorta!. Hahaha. Totally hilarious. The main objective of the game was to get rid of the cards on your hand as fast as possible. Elena's reaction was so slow! Lol! The cards in her hand was maybe 5 times thicker than any of ours. The balancing game was pretty fun too, especially when you could use that "slapping stick" to smack the loser! Uglydoll was the other highlight last night.
That's about it. Nothing much happening the past 2 weeks. It's just clearing the deadlines for all assignments. Today's the last day of school. I didn't attend today's lesson 'coz it was just TPFF revision. I think I should be able to do the questions in the revision paper. Exam officially starts off next Friday with EM3. Horrible module! Hahaha. Alright la! I have to go complete the Lab PBL, yet I see none of my group members online. =/
Till next time, Au revoir!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're the precipitate."
-ChowdersaurP.S. Chow can really come up with witty-assed one-liners'. This one even has a deeper meaning to it. Eh Chow, if you thought this up, I salute you! Otherwise, you're just a literary thief. Lol!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:41 PM