Xx South Park Mania xX Alright... South Park has got the better of me this few days. Just gotta love the toilet humour and great parodies in it, but sometimes it does touch on pretty important subjects. Found this great site that allows you to make your own South Park characters, so obviously I made a few.

It's supposedly me, but I somehow don't feel the connection. XD
You should have seen this coming. What less would expect from a Muse fan? =X

Matthew Bellamy

Dominic Howard

Christopher Wolstenholme
South Park is cool! They're on Season 10 now. Finished watching Season 9 just now and I'm gonna go get myself Season 8, 7, 6 and so on. Ha! Damn, I'm so gonna spoil my studies.
Alright, Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 12:34 AM
Xx First Week of Sem 4 xXAlright... The 4th semester has started this week. It's been pretty alright so far. Modules I'll be taking this semester are: Electrical Technology (which shockingly, has the highest credit unit this sem), Transfer Processes - Fluid Flow, Reaction Engineering (REng), Engineering Mathematics 3, BioProcess Technology and Exploring Photography & French for IS.
Exploring Photography is quite interesting, but meeting the photo quota for the day is slightly stressful. French, I'll be doing after Week 8 when Exploring Photography has ended. Electrical Technology is so much like Physics in secondary school. Hopefully, there won't be much problem there. I think I fear REng and EM3 the most. Guess they are pretty much my weak areas.
Watched Death Note today. It was interesting. It'll be great if it wasn't a 2-parter. 4/5 stars!
Anyway, I still haven't gotten the photos of my brother's wedding. Will post them, if i get them. For now, I shall throw the photos I took for the first lesson of Photography right at your face. =)
Till next time, Au revoir!
Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our sins
And we'll pray that there's no God
To punish us and make a fuss
- Fury, MuseP.S. Ok there won't be any photos uploaded, until I get back my image editting software. Screw MS Paint!
// Citizen Erased @ 12:53 AM
Xx Brief review on Sam's Town + Quick Update 09/10/2006 xX Alright... Just a fast update. Got my hands on The Killer's new album,
Sam's Town, today. Shall give it a really quick review.
The Killer's style of music have evolved slightly towards being more vintage sounding, instead of the catchy upbeat styles heard on
Hot Fuss, released 2 years ago. Being targetted at the mainstream audiences, their music is easy on the ears. Pretty catchy and straightforward lyrics. With the exception of live sessions, Brandon Flowers' singing is clearly still as smooth as it was in the last album. The inclusion of the piano is one of the most obvious experimentation in this album. Synth sounds are a major part of The Killer's music, and this album has no lack of it either. Frankly, the new tracks don't motivate me to learn how to play them and they mostly sound pretty much alike. Overall, this album is great for the typical MTV teenager, but hardcore fans of headbanging music should stay away.
I rate
Sam's Town a 3.5 on a scale of 5.
Ok, next. My second brother had his wedding dinner last night at the Hyatt Hotel (he's already 28, so you can save the "Wah, so young get married" comment). It was quite typical, though I'm more involved in the process (and better dressed =D) as compared to 3 years ago when my eldest brother had his. Oh yeah, to my NCHS readers. If you can recall our Secondary 1 chinese teacher, Mdm Lim. Well, she's my Second Sis-in-law's Aunt; my Grandma's 10th floor neighbour; and also My Grandaunt's university senior! What an indescribable coincidence, eh? Anyway, will be posting pictures, provided I get them
School's starting next week. Oh, I dread that (though most of my friends will beg to differ). Will lose a lot of practice time on my guitar. And the thought of IS is really depressing. Well, at least I managed to get 5 of my classmates into the same modules and classes! We'll be doing Exploring Photography and French. =X
Anyway, that's all for now. Till next time, Au revoir!
P.S. If you wanna grab Sam's Town tracks from me, it'll have to depend on my mood. =)
// Citizen Erased @ 10:51 PM
Xx My First Electric xXAlright... Just bought my electric guitar today. I know some of you, or at least one person I know, will be quite critical of me. But hey, I
know that my guitar isn't exactly a plaything, so I will give it my best shot to learn it well. Besides, I did a week or more of research on this guitar, and on tremolo bridges for that matter. Countless hours spent reading reviews, asking opinions on forums, contacting this American guy for help and trying it out for myself. I think this purchase is quite justified.
Anyway, moving on... My
Plug-in Baby (in the tune of MUSE's Plug In Baby) is a Black Ibanez S470, with a ZR tremolo bridge. At least 9 of 10 reviews said this bridge is uber stable, even with tons of whammy abuse. Well, it's not that I'm gonna use it that often for now, but in the near future,
Hell Yeah. Tuning the guitar is gonna be a bit of a headache, but well, people need to learn. And yes, some people may find the wavy fret markers annoying, but what to do? I like it. My amp isn't exactly worth mentioning (Heh), it's from Peavy, so let's move on...
Ok, I'm trying to get used to the feel of the electric guitar now. Holding down the strings on the electric guitar are like child's play compared to the acoustic guitar. The body is also a lot less thicker, even by normal electric guitar standards, but it feels pretty comfortable, I must say. Alright, enough of the ramblings already. Mugshot!

Nestled in it's soft humble abode
P.S. To the people who might be potentially critical, there's really nothing I can do to make you feel better. Let's just hope this doesn't affect our friendship at all, alright?
// Citizen Erased @ 6:25 PM