Xx Let Freedom Ring! xXYes! Freedom is ringing! Exams have finally ended! Let's do a quick prediction.
Firstly, Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes wasn't so bad, with the exception of the 61 I scored for CT2. So, I predict that I should be able to get a B+. Transfer Processes Heat & Mass is pretty steady, so I hope for an A in that. Environmental Technology better land me an A, otherwise I'm damn sure it's the stupid project work's fault. Occupational Health & Safety a.k.a. Bullshit-also-can-get-C module - Maybe a B or C+, I really don't know. Engineering Materials - Probably a B as well. Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2.2, I hope for an A in it. I&E: Event Management - It has got to be PASS, or my group will be the first to fail in 5 years. That's about it.
Calculating the predicted grades, I should get a GPA of at least 3.6. Nope, stop being an ass. I won't be able to get 4.0 this time. So the "
Wa, GPA 4.0
suaning can stop already. Results will be released on the 15th of September. Best of luck to me! =)
7 weeks of holidays are ahead. What to do with it? I hope I'll be able to keep my motivation up and practice my guitar. I still suck badly at it. Maybe I should draw up an objective plan or something. Yeah, that's about it. I'll also need to buy a new set of threads for my 2nd brother's wedding.
Aiyo, ma fan lei. To Soo Guan, Jim, Sam or whoever, please accompany me. =D
Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:32 PM
Xx Frustrated, Underperforming, Unmotivated xXFinal exams starts this Saturday with the 1st paper, AnChem. Yup,
this Saturday. Why am I here still blogging away then? 'Coz I'm totally unmotivated and frustrated. Every time I start on a post-CT topic question, I'm stumped. I used to be able to blaze through 3 or 4 past year papers in a day. Today (and yesterday), I've barely
completed attempted one, with tonnes of reasonable doubts with my answers. I seem to be lacking a goal, an objective.
Have I let my guard down? My driving force seems to have been broken down. Even the dissatisfaction in myself for scoring 61 in the last AnChem test isn't propelling me forward.
Butterflies and Hurricanes ain't helping much either.
I haven't, and never will, completely give up. But it's also time to realize, staying up here ain't so easy afterall. I'll have my comeback, some other time.
"You're working so hard
And you're never in charge
Your death creates success
Rebuild and suppress"
- Ruled By Secrecy, Muse
// Citizen Erased @ 6:21 PM
Xx 18th BirthdayHey there! Had my 18th birthday celebrated with a few great friends less than a few hours ago. Firstly, a brief thanks to all who remembered my birthday! Alright, let's go through yesterday, technically, in a bit more detail.
Went to back to school today at 10am. For what? Just to play Battlefield 2 with my classmates. Lol. It's a really addictive game! Even though Alex and Weijie were introduced to it only on Thursday, they were the ones who suggested the idea of coming early to fight it out at the "in-school LAN shop".
Next, we met up with the rest of the class at the atrium as we were about to go on a "field trip" to a chemical plant in Jurong Island. Bah, the plant smelled like crap, literally. They use bacteria to treat their wastewater, thus the "crappy" smell. Well, the ester plant smelled like caramel though (Serious!).
We returned back to school at about 4.20pm. Then I headed to Plaza Singapura to meet up with Soo Guan and Sam. I wanted to buy a wallet for Elaine since her birthday was only a few weeks ago. But there weren't any shops that sold good looking wallets! Anyway, Elaine gave
me a wallet for my birthday. How ironic! Lols. In the end, I didn't get her a gift, so I decided to treat her to Dinner later on.
Met up with Jimathan and Jiaqun later on at the Fish & Co. glasshouse. We were like half hour early and the girls, with the exception of Jiaqun, weren't even on their way yet. Anyway, we decided to go in to reserve seats first. Talked for a while inside while waiting for the others to show up. Then Jimathan decides to leave. I think it might be because he was afraid to miss the fireworks or something, I really don't know. Anyway, it was a bit disappointing, in what way I won't say, but I don't hold it against him though. Anyway, the girls - Elaine, Christabel, Shiying - showed up in like less than 1 minute after Jim & Jiaqun left. So anyway, we had dinner, payment courtesy of Yours Sincerely. Haha. Then we rushed down to the Esplanade to watch the fireworks, only to realize we had half hour to spare.
The fireworks display was pretty nice with a few "wow-ing" effects in between. After that, we just walked around like idiots without any aim. Lols. Finally decided to chill at Cheers (Yes, the convenience store and that of all places). Didn't have a choice since we were so tired, we'd settle for anything. Had some chit-chat till about 10.30pm before we decided to head home. Yup. That's about it for today!!
Now, the Thank You part. Again, Thanks to all those who remembered my birthday! Joseph, thanks for trying to make it down for dinner, but it's alright since you had something important on. Thanks to my classmates, especially to Leon & Elena, who bought me a great Billabong shirt. Elaine, thanks for the wallet! I wanted to give you a wallet too, ye' know? Haha. Thanks to Jimathan who gave me a wrist-rest to go with my mouse. I would have loved the guitar pick you promised me though (Just kidding). =) And many thanks to my Eldest brother, who gave me a Diesel watch. I feel bad for not saying Thanks to him verbally though. Oops? Lastly, Thanks to everyone who spent time with me yesterday evening. You guys are great!
That's about it, Au revoir!

My "bounty" for the day!

Hello World
// Citizen Erased @ 12:28 AM
Xx Laptop Still Down xXHmmm... My laptop is really on borrowed time... It's gone bonkers. Keeps switching between AC and DC mode. Must be something wrong with the internal power supply. Anyway, the "engineer", as the Acer helpdesk people call them, came down on Monday to replace my Motherboard and Cooling fan. Didn't resolve anything at all. This problem is really temperamental. Doesn't appear when you want it to show up, but amazingly pops up when you're doing serious work. Ergh!! They better fix it tomorrow!!
Anyway, I had TPHM, AnChem and OHS test the past 3 days. Man, TPHM was sort of OK with 80%, I guess. I really didn't think I deserved the 3 marks he gave for Question One, in which I did a "anyhow humtum one equation" move on. The equation was totally wrong, in relation to that question la. But oh well, that 3 marks got me hanging on the border of an A. What else can I ask for? =)
AnChem was horrible. I left a 30 mark Question blank, since Dr. Lim doesn't consider diagrams as part of the answer. Haha. I think I also have at least 5 other sub-questions blank or "anyhow humtum one equation". Lol... I only hope for a Pass for this paper and at best, a C.
Was chatting the night before OHS test. Totally didn't bother to read up on it. Who gets turned on by "The 14 Elements of Safety Management Systems"?! The test was pretty common-sensical and with a bit of bullshitting, I think I can pass it.
I think that's about it. Till next time, Au revoir!
P.S. Chow! Not fair sia! You have your father as sponsor for your RHCP collection. Bleah! =P
// Citizen Erased @ 8:35 PM