Xx aMUSEd xXNote: This is really a boring post. You are forgiven if you skip this post. XD
I think Muse's music has gotten the better of me. Haha. Went down to Town with my classmates for a walk. Reuben was waiting at Borders, so we went to look for him. Browsed the Music section for probably more than 40 minutes. Was considering buying Showbiz there, but it was like $24.95 for an album released 7 years ago. So I didn't get it there in the end.
We then went on to Far East to look for a gift for some particular reason. Couldn't find anything nice there though. Or rather, we thought the stuff there wouldn't suit the intended gift receiver. After that, I requested to go to HMV to hunt for the CDs I wanted. Showbiz retailed at $18.95 and Hullabaloo at $28.95. Lols. I have no idea if they left 1 Hullabaloo on the shelf with the intent to make it look like it was the last copy or what, but it sure was expensive. I got it anyway, since I don't have most of the songs on that album.
Anyway, I intend to get the other 3 albums one day. I got 'bankrupt-ed' instantly after the trip to HMV. What a rip-off! Lols. I saw Absolution and Origin of Symmetry at Borders and HMV. Both were the last ones on the shelf! Darn. Didn't have money to grab those 2 albums. I didn't see their latest Blackholes & Revelations though. Muse was also on the front cover of some music magazine at HMV too. At a whopping $10, I'll pass.
Argh!! Whatever la. I probably bored the heck out of you. Or rather, I doubt anyone would get this far. Haha!
Anyway, Till next time, Au revoir!

Showbiz & Hullabaloo
// Citizen Erased @ 9:00 PM
Xx Sem 3 CT Results xXGot back a few papers today. Fantastic results really, at least I'm satisfied. 98 for TPHM; 90 for AnCHem; 88 for ENV. I didn't expect Mr. Ong to set such a straight-forward paper for TPHM. Anyway, he asked "Do you all find this paper difficult?" Gerard Tan replied with a Yes. And guess what he got in return.
Mr. Ong: "Don't give me that kind of crap when you got 98 ah."
Lols. That gave us a hell of a laugh. Frankly, I think he's kinda like the King of Bullshit. Ok, maybe he's second to Gerard Chen la.
Reuben topped (I think?) the class in AnChem with 92. It was really surprising. Considering how laid-back he is in his studies. Haha!
Will be receiving EMAT and OHS tomorrow. I'm daresay my OHS will suck damn bloody badly. Time will tell. Well, in 12 hours that is. Anyways, I'm outta here. Shall add in the results tomorrow.
Till next time, Au Revoir!
Update: I scored a spectacularly average 64 for OHS and a mediocre 79 for EMAT. Yup, that's it.
// Citizen Erased @ 10:16 PM
Xx Einstein Says xXHahaha! Just couldn't resist doing this. Pretty amusing! XD
It's just a joke, ya. Maybe unintended passive sarcasm at best, but still a joke! Don't take it too seriously! ROFL.

LMAO! Just a joke! XD
// Citizen Erased @ 12:33 AM
Xx CTs for 3rd Sem over for now xX Damn. Had Occupational Safety and Health paper just now. It sucked, totally. I just bullcrapped past the whole thing. Lol. So much memorization work for 2 credits? I'll pass. Bye GPA 4.0. XD
Left the LT half hour early.
Almost everyone in my class stepped out early. The others were probably writing a million-word essay or something. Anyway, it's over.
Hopefully, I did well for AnChem and ENV. Don't know the results yet, but I'd be real down if I don't hit what I expect. Eng. Materials was a waste of time. I guess I should be pretty ok for that one. Not exactly expecting a fancy grade for that 2-credit module as well.
What's left is Transfer Processes - Heat & Mass. TPHM is the killer, I tell you. Largely due to the fact that Mr Ong is setting it. He's, quote Miss Swan*, a "tricky dicky". Lols. No offence la. But the questions he sets are so twisted, you'd just fall into his trap almost everytime. Fortunately, the test is scheduled after the term break. Phew!
So for now, I guess I'll take a chill pill and relax. I really wonder if there's gonna be any games tonight. 'Coz it's the World Cup Season and I doubt people would skip an 'exciting' soccer match. I'm not keeping my hopes up.
Anyway, Till next time, Au Revoir!
* Miss Swan is just a little lady character from USA's MadTV. She does really funny skits. Check them out on YouTube! It's worth the time. Better than HardGay. XD
// Citizen Erased @ 9:33 PM