Xx Oops? xX Mr. Charles Ong found my blog, by accident! What the
heck! There, that wasn't a vulgarity. I did a word search on the front page of my blog and I only found 2 "f**k"s. So I'm not very vulgar, a'ight? And "orgasm" in "orgasmically stimulated" was just for dramatization la. Haha! Anyway, that's beside the point.
Skipped AnChem lecture this morning 'coz I didn't think I want to sit through the 3-hour break like a zombie. I wasn't alone, obviously. Only 3 from my class went to the lecture. That made Dr. Lim very disappointed. But hey, we all apologised to her later that day la. It was nothing personal la, the lecture-skipping. It's just that the long break was really unattractive.
Anyway, Common tests are next week. Not really feeling the "stress" yet. Well, that's me. I'd probably panic when the weekends arrive. Then I'll go into overdrive. Ok la. Shall go finish up the CEL worksheet.
Till next time, Au Revoir!
Note to self: Change back to the old [BoB] image when there's time. The current one sucks!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:05 PM
Xx Movies Movies Movies! xXWow. Watched a movie last Thursday and today. Kinda makes me and my classmates look really free. Actually we
are pretty free since there ain't any lesson tomorrow.
The Da Vinci Code today. Brilliant movie, I tell you. To a certain population of religious people, this movie is seen as totally
blasphemous. But I have religious classmates who are really open and aren't affected by the movie at all. There's even this man walking outside the theatre giving out booklets published by some church condemning "The Da Vinci Code".
Anyway, all in all, the movie really just gives the main plot of the novel. You might not be able to catch the whole story if you didn't read the book beforehand. It's a definite "must-see", even though it's deemed overhyped.
Tickets to The Da Vinci CodeMI:3 is pretty much the average action movie. Lots of gunfire, loud sounds, stereotyped dumb Chinese men shouting "
She mo lai de?" at flying baseballs. Anyway, watch this only if you have extra cash to spare and if you find
The Da Vinci Code religiously offensive.
MI:3What's next?
Over The Hedge? It's a high possibility. Lols. Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:52 PM
Xx 2H '02 Class Gathering xX Alright... Had Class gathering at my house last Friday. Shall not go through it in detail. 'Coz to me, I think it sucked, and I wasn't the only one that thinks that way. Probably 'coz I wasn't too good a host or was it Channel U's 9pm show at fault. And ya, before you start pointing fingers at me for ordering such puny amounts of food, ... Nevermind.
Anyway, they left at around 11pm and only SG, Jo & MS stayed overnight. We just talked a whole lot of crap in my room la. Chat till about 2am, we took turns to play DotA on Zion. Only Jo & I didn't play 'coz Jo doesn't know how to play and I thought I was up against some pro from that Friday morning, so I handed it over to MS.
At 5, we played Uno cards. That bleddy MS tricked me! =X
MS: "Eh, got reverse card?"
Me: "Ya."
MS: "What colour?"
Me: "Blue. I use ah. Then you Draw SG."
*I use Blue Reverse*
MS: "Uno Game"
Everyone else: "What the fuck?!"
Dammit la! It was 5+ am. You don't expect me to be so alert right?! =(
Anyway, they left at about 7am. So ya, that's about it.
Till next time, Au Revoir!

2H 2002 People

// Citizen Erased @ 3:44 PM
Xx Busy Busy Busy xX Been pretty busy these few days. Workload's pretty much heavier this year. Used to have a lot more free time in the afternoon last year. Now, I only have time to do work at night. At least I have a day in the week that is pretty relaxing though. Anyways, it's now time to keep myself "en garde".
Been really into the band "Arctic Monkeys" recently. I love Indie Rock. Hehs. I've been told their songs are pretty easy to play. I can't play them yet, so I haven't got any comments on that. And, I don't care! 'Coz
I love Indie Rock! Lols. I must warn you though, some of their songs are a bit of an acquired taste.
Ok. I'm outta here! Friday is time to relax! Back to replaying Harvard's Final Fantasy VIII on my laptop. Thanks Vard.
Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 3:18 PM