Xx Suntory to produce FFXII potions for sale xXSquare Enix has also announced that it is teaming up with Suntory, Japan's largest beverage company, to create a Final Fantasy "potion" energy drink that will refresh fans much like the potions in the games do to the characters who use them. No price for the FF "potion" has been announced, but it'll be offered in a standard box as well as a "special edition" that'll include a more artistic bottle design and a FFXII Art Museum Card.Source:
Gaming Horizon

Now you can drink the same potion that keeps your FFXII characters alive!
P.S. What's next? Phoenix Downs?
// Citizen Erased @ 12:45 AM
Xx 1(2?)AO7 Class Chalet xXCame back last night from the chalet. It was supposed to end this morning, but I left early for some reasons that aren't worth mentioning. Anyways, it was pretty fun!(besides feeding the mosquitoes, that is)
Had our Chalet at Changi Aloha. Pretty old place. Very, very near to Old Changi Hospital. Pretty nice environment compared to the other chalets I've been to. Huge bungalow chalet. Pity that Karen and Gerard Tan couldn't attend. Karen's hospitalised, so let's hope she has a speedy recovery.
Anyway, shall skip out the small details. Went Night Cycling on the 1st night. It was totally torturous man! Cycled from Changi Village to Changi Coast Road. Changi Coast Road is the road next to the Airport Runway. It is a
fucking long stretch of road. We initially thought we could reach the airport after riding out Changi Coast Road. Yes, we could reach Changi Airport, only if we took the Highway. But it's illegal to ride on the Highway, so we had to
turn back and ride back to Changi Village! OMFG!!! But riding the entire stretch of road was extremely fun, as in the forward trip, not back. Got to see and hear the airplanes taking off. The roar of the engines were a testimony to the power of technology.
In all, the ride was about 3 hours+ and ended at about 3.15am. We stayed at the hawker centre for drinks(lots of it) and supper. Changi Village is like
Bapok central, man. Saw a few of them on the way back to the chalet. Euggghhh! Anyway, quite a few of us riders suffered cramps and strains on the way back. Reuben even lay down on the sidewalk. Lols.
My hands and legs were aching like as if I just finished a marathon(I never ran one, anyway). Didn't sleep much, about 2 hours+. Returned the bikes at 11am and they went for lunch. I bought Fish & Chips by PK Express. Don't ever try that, they have franchised outlets too. The fish is totally tasteless. I can't believe how many recommendations they have gotten. Straits Times, 8 Days and so many other publications.
Alright, 2nd day was spent on the BBQ. Mr. Stoll, the German lecturer, also self-professed "Stingy Stoll", graced our event. Lol. The foods were pretty darn good tasting. Pretty much everybody helped in some way, except for a handful who didn't even bother to use eye power but mouth power instead. After the BBQ was drinking time. Obviously the booze freaks were the most orgasmically stimulated by
Absolut Vodka. No Pun intended. I left shortly after that with Reuben & Shaun.
Well, it wasn't too bad a chalet for $20 odd and it's great to have such an "on" class. Once next week begins, we're all gonna be sophomores.
Till then, Au Revoir!

Playing "Monkey" outside the Admin Office

Lynette: "You know blah blah blah..."
Elena: "Ya! Ya! Ya!"

The Chalet

Nice Scenery

Playing the Game of Life

OMG! Don't!!!

Chao Biker Gangs' Bikes

Alex dreams of a nice hot bath after the bike ride.
Notice a few phantom orbs in the picture.
The Dance of the Prawns

Junru snoops a fishball when she thought nobody was looking

Blah Blah Blah...
// Citizen Erased @ 11:50 PM
Xx Quick Update xX Aight. Just a quick update. Been playing DotA these few days. And also practicing on the guitar. My fingertips have grown pretty much numb since a few days ago.
School's starting real soon. Timetable looks pretty packed. 6 modules this semester but no math. Darn, I just wanna finish Engineering Math 3 and move on to AEM quick. How "exciting"! Shall soon go check up on which module has the highest credit units. I'm not looking forward to IS, as usual. Events Management. What have I gotten myself into?! Anyway, I heard this is a Pass/Fail module. So that's pretty damn good.
How fast a year has passed. Will this year just pass on even before you know it? It seems like these 7 weeks of holiday have gone pretty quickly. Back to paper-chasing again. *Frowns*
Class chalet's next week! I have no idea what's gonna happen there. I'm thinking "High Alcohol-content Booze + Weird Cocktails + Heavy-drinkers
Puke = Big Mess". HA! I will have pictorial evidences!! Watch this space for face-as-red-a-monkey's-ass and I'm-so-drunk-I'm-gonna-retch photos soon!
Till next time, Au Revoir!
Note: The word beside "Heavy drinkers" is actually "Puke". I placed puke as a "power" to add something special to typical "plus" word equations. Lol. Yeah, Math does drive one nuts.In-house gameMe (.wurm), SG (Loveā Breaker) & Sam (simplyCITY)
Charlin, Jing & Jin Hao
Beastmaster, Faceless Void & RogueKnight
OmniKnight, Drow Ranger & Juggernaut

First Blood!

Lol... SG getting raped by Mega Creeps

Charlin charges at our fountain with his Guardian Angel.
Absolut Gayness.

Player of the Match: Jing (zzzz)
Fat-assed farmer: Sam
Lols. Feeling very
wu liao, so I posted these pictures. My team lost by the way, thanks to their gay Lothars. Ciao!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:43 PM
Xx Guitar xXAll right. Went out to cut hair in the morning. Then met up with Jim, Jo and SG in the afternoon. Bloody hell... I was supposed to meet them at Kovan MRT. When the Harbourfront-bound train arrived, Jim shouted my name from the sliding doors. I was sitting face back to the train, you see. What the heck man. Lol, I wished I could just sink into the ground.
Alright, we alighted at Dhoby Ghaut and Jim brought us to Paradiz Centre. That's where I bought this baby. Lols. No prices shall be named. It was affordable, that's all that mattered. And no, it isn't ridiculously overpriced. So I purchased it and left it at the store for safekeeping.
We then went on to meet up with Sam. Walked up and down Orchard Road without much aim, talking nonsense along the way. That's what we always did last year. Lol! None of us had the budget to catch a film, so we went to Far East to look at, well, Stuff...
Anyway, as we were walking back towards Paradiz, I caught sight of Jeremy (or rather, he caught me) from Horticulture. They were having GL camp, playing some game along Orchard Road. What the heck, he asked me to help him buy a tampon and a Banana-flavoured condom. WTF! I just walked off la, duh! The others commented that Jeremy looked like some Lower Secondary School kid. Totally LMAO.
Played some games at the arcade at Paradiz. Retro games, I mean. House of the Dead
1 & Jurassic Park. The guns couldn't even aim straight, totally retarded. Lol. After that, I collected my guitar and went for dinner.
That's about it la. Low quality post. Whatever!
Till next time, Au Revoir!

Birds' Eye View

View from Top
// Citizen Erased @ 11:31 PM
Xx Apathy xX Hmmm... Things are kinda monotone these days. SG is kinda totally uninterested in anything, or so it seems. Jo asked if we wanted to go CP for a Slacking session and obviously SG refused, so what the heck. I didn't wanna discuss any further since clearly he wasn't interested (in anything) and left the conversation. I really mean "wasn't interested (in anything)". He just wants to stay at home and do the exciting "nothing".
Maybe it's 'coz of some problems in the family but I think I shouldn't probe or reveal too much. Anyway, I figured I shouldn't talk to him too much these few days 'coz I don't wanna incur his wrath.
Went on to chat with Lid Yinn a.k.a. Pika and Jo later on. Pika's interested in joining Tennis. Lols. Was laughing at her for joining in her 2nd year, but she said she should be able to handle it. Well, she did get a GPA of 3.96 for this recent semester so whatever. I think she's like the most reliable friend I can trust in NP. Most of the things I didn't understand from the lectures, I learnt from her. Of course, the reverse is true as well la! Frankly, I might not even have aced my Math without her help.
I guess it's 'coz there's only the 2 of us from NCHS in CBE & obviously there's the tendency to form some sort of alliance.
The Deadly Alliance. Haha! I'm just crapping, ignore me. Anyway, bottomline is "
Thanks!". To my classmates, I hope you aren't offended in any way by this post.
Jo & I were sharing YouTube links all day long. I found Yucko the Clown pretty entertaining. Just type "Yucko the clown" in YouTube and there should be a few clips to watch. Oh yeah, he's also having a war of words with these few guys on YouTube 'coz we said they were unoriginal in attempting to recreate the popular "Mortal Kombat theme" video made by somebody else. Hey, the imitation was really poorly made and you could hear those retards laughing in the background. Jo, you dumbass! Stop arguing with them la, what a waste of time! Lols.
All right. That's about it.
Till next time, Au Revoir!
(P.S. I doubt you ever read my blog unless I ask you to but anyway I'm not blaming you, SG, for being totally uninterested in anything at all. And the Slacking session was just trying to get you to come out and relax. But it's ok if you reject our invitation 'coz we really don't understand what you're going through and we don't know how to go about helping you.)
// Citizen Erased @ 1:14 PM