Xx Ha La La La La xX Ha La La La La
Now listen closely to the verse I lay
(Ha La La La La)
It's all about the wordplay
(Ha La La La Love)
The wonderful thing it does
Because, because
I am the wizard of ooh's and ah's and fa-la-la's
Yeah the Mister A to Z
They say I'm all about the wordplay
Hmm... I'm sure there are a lot more others who has got same or even better than this. But I'm still glad. =) Cheers!
// Citizen Erased @ 12:14 PM
Xx Mraz at Mosaic Music Festival xX Aight... Introducing Jason Mraz, who recently played at the Mosaic Music Festival at the Esplanade. Screw the damn festival! Must pay money for good performances! What a bad start for the art and music scene in Singapore. Sheesh.
Anyways, tickets to Mraz's performance were sold out just a few days after the advertisements for the festival was up.
Mraz's stylistic influences seem multiple and varied, a mixture of pop, rock, jazz, folksy country, and even hip-hop/rap. He is nothing if not eclectic.Mraz's songs have pretty catchy tunes, like the one I'm featuring now. He'll be touring with James Blunt this year.
Screw James Blunt! Fingernails on the chalkboard sounds a hell lot better than him! Have people all gone deaf? Eckks!
That's about it. Enjoy the video on the left!
Till Friday(release of exam results!), Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 2:08 PM
Xx Picture Update xXJust some picture updates. Nothing much happening these days. =)

Who can live throught that?

Harmless-looking "Wanton"

He's so hungry, he'll eat Wanton made from Tissue paper.
// Citizen Erased @ 10:24 PM
Xx End of Year 1 xXWow! It's officially the end of Year 1 today! Woots! Ended off with ICBE paper today. Wasn't too bad, I hope.
Math really sucked. Threw away at least 20 marks just like that. Left them blank. Totally sianz.
OBC sucked as well. How retarded can I get, Alkanes reacting with water. Fucking retard me. Oh yes. To my dear friend, who wrote this as his personal message: "Study + Knowledge - Application = OBC fail". I beg to differ. What I think is: "Learn principles + Application - Pure memorising = OBC screwed" I'm referring to the retarded question of drawing Amylose & Amylopectin. My readers, given the linear structure of D-Glucose and assuming you have no idea how Amylose & Amylopectin looked like, could you draw them based on this statement "Starch is made of 90% Amylose & 10% Amylopectin."? What a seriously
screwed-up question. F
Anyways, judging from the latter 2 papers, my target of GPA 3.7 has probably gone down the drain. As long as I don't get lower than 3.5, I'm fine, not satisfied though. =)
Long holidays now. Hmmm... How am I gonna spend it? I absolutely have no idea. We'll see. That's about it, I guess.
Will be posting my results in a few weeks time, provided it's not too ugly. Till next time, Au Revoir!

Lameness at Toys'r'us
// Citizen Erased @ 9:52 PM