Lol... What the heck... Learning how to grow crystals for this year's NUS Crystal Growing Competition.
// Citizen Erased @ 10:54 PM
Xx Sem. 2 CT Results! xXJust got back my CT results... 82 for Engineering Math 2; 81 for ICBE; 80% for Organic Chemistry. Math turned out a hell lot better than I expected but Organic Chem was a huge disappointment... Totally missed my target by a full 10%. Well actually the test's max. score is 50, so I was aiming for 45. But then again, Whatever! Lols...
It's actually quite surprising that many of my classmates have had a sudden jump in grades. So much that I actually feel pretty insecure. But hey, climbing the ladder is easy, staying up there isn't. Well, most of the time, that's the case.
Anyway, was totally shocked by the grade my CATS (Creative & Applied Thinking Skills) group got for the 1st half of the assignment. 3 days of last minute work and submitted overdue earned us an
A!! Lols... Lecturer said it was really well-written and had a diverse range of ideas. Woot! I really must thank Wagner... Lols!
All right... It's the last sub-term of this academic year. Shall keep up my grades and try to hit a GPA of at least 3.7 this semester.
Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:01 PM
Xx Fresh Start! xXYupz! 2006 is here! Fresh start for everybody. Good luck and have fun to those who are in new schools.
If you were less fake, you mother-fucking bastard, I probably would hate you less.Had Math and ICBE tests today... Math was fine... Not too good or bad, probably a 60 or 70+? It's pretty bad if you think about it.. But whatever! ICBE... Lecturer said he will post the solutions to the test paper online. Haven't and probably won't see it. It's depressing enough to leave a 12 mark Q blank...
Rejoice, you damn bastard. Don't have to be so fake.All right.. Shall end off here... Till next time, Au Revoir!
Turning pages over
Run away to nowhere
And it's hard to take control
When your enemy's old and afraid of you
You'll discover that the monster you were running from
Is the monster in you
Darkness- Darren Hayes
// Citizen Erased @ 9:28 PM