Xx Bintan - Here I come; What's with the world nowadays? xX *Mild language ahead*
Hmmm.. Going off to Bintan on Thursday. It's a school-organized trip la.. More than half of those going are my classmates, so no need to start knowing each other all over again! =D Hopefully it's gonna be fun. But then gonna miss my 2nd brother's Engagement at the ROM... Wasted... =( For all you ignoramus, my brother's already into the late 20s... So it's not some kinda teenage marriage shit...
* * *
I've been seeing so many super young mothers around of late. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 5 generations living together... What's going on? There was once this variety show hosted by Jack Neo & gang, its Feature
du jour was young grandmothers'. I vaguely remember 1 granny was at the age of her early 40s. Yup... Guess what, her daughter is only around 17~18? What the heck? I'm not a mother myself (Not that I will ever be one), but I daresay that being a mother, even at a typical working adult age, is still one heck of a tough life.
What kind of crap can a 18 year-old, like you or me, do to support a baby?! Many youths of our age think that drawing a salary of $1000+ is enough for them to live large. Guess what? Truth is, a $1000 is worth nothing more than a single strand of DNA of a peanut (No pun intended. Please don't jail me). I can still remember last year, when some of my not-so-close classmates were talking about quiting school and getting a job. They were so excited about the $1000+ pay they would get if they had a job. Puh-lease! Wake up and smell the damn roses, or you'd be pushing up the daisies soon. Think about it. How long do you have to work to be able to buy a roof over your head? After settling accomodation, how much money would you have left then? Think about how you are gonna feed yourself. Family? What balls make you think that you have enough to raise a family?
Yes, I do realize that there are families out there who are earning less than a $1000 a month. But, I'm sure they've hit a rough patch and have seen better days. These are the people who direly need financial assistance. But for these young parents', they have not even experienced 2 decades of their lives. Better days? I think not.
Do they deserve financial aid? Cruel, as it may be. But I'd say No. Blame themselves for being so easily satiated. Blame themselves for screwing around early. Most importantly, blame themselves for being so ignorant! Sure, place all the fault on the raging hormones. But it's your own fault for not thinking of the consequences.
Many teenagers nowadays, regardless of the amount of sex education, still continue commit barely-legal humping sessions in their bedrooms. An hour of pleasure; A lifetime of regret.
My point is, do not let desires get the better of you. No matter how much you'd like to leap on someone and give him/her the hump of their life, don't. Another subtle point of this mini-essay is: Get through your education first. A sexually-mature (Does not directly equal to being mentally mature), not to mention hyperactive, adult of 17 has at most an O-level Certificate. Now, in Singapore, which large multinational company (Except its manufacturing, packing or delivery division*) will willingly place you in a job position that draws at least enough money to support a family comfortably?
Let's face it, a diploma will also not get you as far as you think. In order to survive, or live well (depending on your needs), in Singapore on a regular paycheck job, you'd probably need
at least a university degree. Entrepreneurship, you say. I'd say "Hey, that works!", if you were as lucky Sim Wong Hoo.
Wow, quite a lot of words eh? From young mothers' to Sim Wong Hoo. Hope you get where I'm driving at. I do not condemn BGR, but I do not condone casual sex either.
*: These divisions might not necessarily give out pathetic paychecks. I just mean that these divisions hire mostly unskilled workers, which naturally will have a lower paychecks. -End-
Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:35 PM
Xx 1 week into holidays xX Sometimes, too long of a holiday can really make one almost die of boredom. At least, I'm going to Bintan with my class next week! Yay? Yupz.. Going to school later for the briefing.. Gotta pay $200... But the school's subsidising $80 though... Till then, I've got my games to keep me entertained, for a while.
Went out yesterday with some of my classamates... I'm so not gonna say where we went.. It's not some sleazy place where certain ladies do midnight soliciting la... Hahaz...
But before that, my friend & I were waiting at the Clementi MRT station for the others to arrive la... They were almost 40 minutes late!! Well anyway, we were waiting when this slightly over middle aged man came rushing to the control station and spoke hurriedly to the Station Officer. Soon enough, they were carrying an old man into the station. Apparently, he slipped and fell, coz' it was raining yesterday, on the stairs and hurt his head. The station officers just did the standard first aid procedures lo... Then came the paramedics who gave proper medical assistance la... Ok, this is probably quite mundane, you must be wondering why I am writing this. Well, ever wondered why it almost never fails to have a huge crowd gathering around something so small it makes things seem like they were getting out of hand?
Typical Singaporeans. Not to mention the healing powers of the eye. In this case, when the paramedics arrived, passer-bys started to form tight circles around the rescue workers and stared at the old man's injured head. Did they really think that by staring, they'd close up the gaping wound and return things to perfect normal? Sheesh! If you can't help, just stand further away la. All they do is just deplete the O2 around the old man. Give the casualty some damn air la. Besides, you aren't supposed to even do anything unless you have a First Aid cert or you are a doctor. Dumbasses.
Ok la... That's about it.. I'm off to lunch and head to school soon. Till next time, Au Revoir!

What's that on the table? It's a Happy Meal toy! Omg! Ya an, the
19 year old, eating Happy Meal?!

Somebody says: "We must heal him." Crowd echoes in a trance like state: "Yes, we must." Crowd continues to stare on.
// Citizen Erased @ 11:45 AM
Xx Holidays!!! xX Yay! Rejoice! It's the holidays! Hahahaz... Today was the last paper... Hopefully, I didn't screw up... Yeah! Hahaz... My class went to Chevron's (Some bowling alley la. Not sure if correctly spelled.), then i accompanied them and dropped off the bus at Bukit Batok MRT. Took the train all the way to Somerset to meet up with Soo Guan, Joseph, Christabel, Chowdersaur & Hum "Shit" Shiying... Shiying looks like an Ah Lian! Hahahaz... Just kidding! Watched "The Longest Yard". Not gonna do a review on that. But it's quite funny la.. Hahaz... *Alert: Horny Old Lady featured in the film* Hahaz... There's also a gay romp in the laundry room la.. Lols... Damn helluva funny movie la... But as with all comedy movies, a good plot is sacrficed... Alright, that's about it...
By the way, I wanted to post a snaphot of Lynette's unplanned audition tape for the LUX Super Rich shampoo la...
In case you don't know, the LUX shampoo ad is the one whereby a sexy long legged model, Michelle Chia (I think?), walks to the clock tower and pulls a handle to reverse time. The result is the revitalisation of her "damaged" hair. It used to always appear as one of the pre-show cinema ads. Hope you already know which one.
Unfortunately, at the request of the photographer, Harvard, it's not going to be posted. So, too bad!
BUT, the shot of Lynette "raping" the poor photographer, apparently because the former was dissatisfied with the latter's photography skills, will be posted. Courtesy of Yours Truly.
Till next time, Au Revoir!

"You bloody idiot! I'm so gonna rape you! I didn't get the Shampoo ad contract!"
// Citizen Erased @ 12:18 AM
Xx Fuck IPC! xX Warning: Crude language beyond this point. Reader discretion advised.Fuck IPC, man... A total waste of my time! I did my fair share of the revision and past papers, what gives to make me screw up today's paper?! Fuck you, cruel world! What's the damn point of studying till 1+ am just to get fucked from all directions??? I didn't even work this hard for O levels! To quote Shih Wing,
"Sometimes you just don't get what you deserve". How apt. I've learnt from today that:
Practice doesn't always make perfect. It never did, anyway. So you people out there, drop this "bullshitte-idea"(*fake french accent*), obviously thanks to the years of math teachers' preaching, about practicing making perfect...
Fuck all those who will get AD for IPC, coz you don't deserve it if you didn't work harder than me. You gonna tell me I've sinned in this post - Anger & Envy? So what, I can't care less. I've been an agnostic since the day I was born. There goes my A for IPC, doubt I'd even cut into a B... Bye, GPA 3.5! Damn demoralised right now... Bio's tomorrow... Mug for what, gonna get screwed up anyway...
Till next time, I'm fucked off...
P.S.:Happy Birthday to Shih Wing. Fancy having to study for exams when it's your birthday eh?!
// Citizen Erased @ 2:15 PM
Xx Junru's B'day xX Yesterday was Junru's B'day celebration... Shan't go into details coz there ain't much details.. Hahaz.. Took a lot of crappy photos in between... Ya lo... Reached home at 12+... Damn shagged, man...
Ok... Math exam is this Friday... Must start mugging
soon.... hahaz... Ok la.. Till next time, Au Revoir!

The Girls...

Everybody Else....

San Ge Hao Ren, wannabees.... Wahaha...

The photo speaks for itself...
!! New Addition !!
Wagner & Alex... We know what you did last summer...
// Citizen Erased @ 11:22 AM
Xx Last day! + Chem E. Car + Fun Day! xX Okz.. today's the last day of the semester! Yay! Almost the whole class of 1AO7 is going for the Bintan trip, and the teacher-in-charge is actually our mentor, Mdm Tan! Coincidence ehhh! Hope it's gonna be fun.. But before that, the semester exams are in 2 weeks time! Argh!!! Sianz 1/2...
Today was the Chem E. Car competition. Well, we didn't win the 1 meter accuracy prize, but neither did we win the furthest distance ran. Gerard Chen's group won! And they started like on Monday!! Zzzz.. haha.. Nevermind, at least they are from 1AO7, so yeah... My class won 2 of the 4 prizes- 1st for "Longest distance ran" and 2nd for "Closest to 1m" Our longest running distance was 12.41m. Could have gone farther if it didn't hit the wall... Longest running was 17.XXm... Ya lo, that's about it ba..
Alright, after that, part of the class went to Clementi to eat. Spastic photo below.. Hahaz... Then we went on to the nearby arcade to play
DDR... LOL! I haven't touched that game since 4 years ago, save for the time when 2H went out to TM... Christabel might remember.. Hahaz... Of coz, I ain't that good anymore la... Last time can get SS grade for "Boom Boom Dollar"... Now, ba!(Harvard, I'm not lying!) Now my foot hurts, Coz I'm flat-footed la... Now you know something more about me... I have colour deficiency too, for all you ignoramus... Harvard, Alvin & I dance like some spastic monkeys la...
We left at around 8+... Took 147, but switched to train at Chinatown coz it took like half hour just to get from Clementi to Chinatown! That's about it la... Not a quality entry (Since when did I post good entries), but aiya, just writing down my memories.. Hahaz...
Till next time, Au Revoir!

Shaun & I being spastic... Back row (L->R): Half-faced Weijie, Reuben, Junru, Harvard, Lynette, Alvin (Both missing from picture)
// Citizen Erased @ 10:41 PM