Xx CT results xX Okz... Just received my all my CT results... Well... It ain't that bad, but could be a lot better...
Bio: A+; IPC: A; Thermo: B+; Math: C+
Like I said, all could be better... Used to have lots of "stepping stones" around me... Now I really miss that feeling.. Hate being "stepped" on!! Ergh!!! Nevermind, shall work harder for Final Exams... TRY to get 2 ADs and 2As of any kind... Btw, anyone who claims to be not jealous of Weijie's perfect All-AD (Distinction) scores is obviously lying...
Ok la, enoguh of that depressing shit... My fellow Ex-EXCO mates and I went back to our alma mater today for my Red Cross Juniors POC... Wah.. All like so emotional la... A lot of the girls cried.. And the speech made me remember Alex's unlimited ammo "AK-47".... Lols... Then after the thing ended, we went to Jalan Kayu where Mr, Rahim treated us to dinner! Haha.. It was great... But really became damn full at the end of the day...
Yup, that's about it la... Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:24 PM
Xx Bored + CS: Source Pictures xX Hmm... 2H '02 class gathering did not happen at all... As expected though... Already like bathe & stuff liao, then christabel called me and say cancelled.. I was like "What ze fuck" la... Then Soo Guan & DnA already halfway there.. So they decide to eat and play DOTA afterwards... DOTA... Sheesh... That's why I decided not to join them...
Well anyways, tomorrow's school reopening... Ahhh! I haven't replenished the lost sleep over the past 7 weeks! Oh well... What to do... Bio results should be back by tomorrow... Not exciting as well...
Ok la.. Nothing much else to blog about... Here's some screenshots from Counter Strike: Source... I took them... Quite nice graphics... Even on low detail settings... Can't help it la.. My graphics card just barely made it...
Till Next Time, Au Revoir!

Huge pile of USPs... Belongs to the Mafia, I guess...

Siamese twins die together...


Whoa... Massacre!
// Citizen Erased @ 3:28 PM

Xx 1AO7 Class Gathering xX Just came back from class gathering today... Went to Madam Tan's house for dinner la... Haha... She quite a good lecturer la... Very nice to let us use her house for gathering... Anyway, we played CS there and some other lame games la... Shall not go into detail.. So yup... That's what happened today...
Till next time, Au Revoir!
P.S: That gross picture is just for fun... Lols...
// Citizen Erased @ 12:08 AM
Xx Sick Bible-thumpers xX (Start of Disclaimer)
Disclaimer: This post is directly concerned with my point of view of the Christain faith. Reader discretion advised. Readers who might be offended are advised to avoid reading this post.
(End of Disclaimer)
Ok... Getting really fed-up with that crazy "???" on Jon's tagboard... Wtf does she think she is? Fucking idiotic Bible-thumper... FYI,
Bible Thumper —n. Informal.
an evangelist or other person who quotes the Bible frequently, esp. as a means of exhortation or rebuke.
Seriously la.. The Bible is literature and not religious dogma... Call me a fool or an ignorant fucktard for all you want la...
Bible —n.
1. the collection of sacred writings of the Christian religion, comprising the Old and New Testaments.
2. Also called Hebrew Scriptures. the collection of sacred writings of the Jewish religion: known to Christians as the Old Testament.
Dogma —n.,
1. a system of principles or tenets, as of a church.
2. a specific tenet or doctrine authoritatively laid down, as by a church: the dogma of the Assumption.
3. prescribed doctrine: political dogma.
Anyone who is proficient enough in English will know what I'm trying to show here... Ok enough said...
// Citizen Erased @ 12:12 AM
Xx This is how a heart breaks video xX Changed my blog video to Rob Thomas's "This is how a heart breaks" Video... Frankly, I bought his album coz of this song! This song is the best of hte whole lot... But kinda sad though... Once the video is released, people's gonna start pirating the song... COmpletely devalue the value.. Lols... Get what I mean?
Anyway, Lyrics are in the 5th May entry... Sing along is you want to.. Hahaz...
Ok.. Tomorrow got tests... Sucks!!! IPC & Engineering Math... IPC = Half-bucket full... EM = Half-bucket empty... Get the difference?
Ya la... Anyway, It's tiring to blog while a laptop is on your lap... Shall go off now... Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:06 PM
Xx NCHS-mates outing! xX Heyz! Went out with my 4E '04 classmates today! Yupz.. Ok la.. Not the whole class la.. Soo Guan, Joseph, Sam², Chowdersaur & Benjamin... Yupz...
Went back to NCHS first to visit teachers... But wtf man... Stupid security guard don't allow us in! And that damn vice-principal... Stupid balding shit... Wtf la... Why on earth would we wanna come back and screw our own school?! OK well anyway, we have inside contact... So we called Darwin to ask Mrs. Hoo to come down! Yayz.. After that we were allowed in la... So we chatted with the teachers.. Saw Mdm Lim, Mdm Chow, Mr Lee (Ol' nasty DM.. Haha.. I think he's ok la), Mrs Raja... Ok la... Yup... That's about it la.. Don't give shit to the P or the VPs... Hahaz
After that we went to Orchard Cineleisure and bought tickets to War Of THe Worlds... So we waited around till around 5 when Joseph came to join us... He came direct from RP... Yupz... After we slack around and talk shit till 6.30... Yupz... Then we went into the cinema for
War Of The WorldsOk.. This movie's trailer seems really fantastic eh... Yup.. I'll have to agree that the graphics are really realistic... But got a bit of bloopers here and there... Coz after this Alien lightning storm, electronics will not be able to work... But then you'll see this guy holding a damn DV cam filming away... Stupid lame shit... Ok la.. Quite anti-climatic since the start coz only less than half hour into he show, the aliens start wreaking havoc liao.. So kinda ruins the movie a little...
But the graphics are quite stunning.. Really great effects... Quite a few scenes of suspense & thrillers too... Besides that, nothing else noteworthy...
Health note: Before rushing to the theatres to grab your tickets, please note that this movie's ending will almost definately make you have the impulse of standing up and shouting "Bullshit!"... And maybe also point a middle finger at the screen...
Graphics: 4/5
Plot: 3/5
Entertainment Value : 3/5
Ok... After the movie, we went to take a boat tour along SG river! Free-Of-Charge! Yup.. You weren't hallucinating! F-O-C!! Thanks to Chowder's aunt! I think she owns the company or something... Took quite a few pictures... Yup... That's about it.. Took a blurry group photo at Lao Pa Sat (sp?)... Aiyo... Sam's phone picture quality is really balls for a 1.3 megapix cam la...Hahaz... Then after that, we all went home...
What a great day! Hahaz... Need sleep... Till next time, Au Revoir!

// Citizen Erased @ 11:59 PM
Xx I hate IAC!!! xX Sian... Reading the "Individual & Community" discussion board makes my blood boil... IAC is a compulsory module everyone has to take la... It just sucks la ok... My group is like a freaking bunch of retards, waiting for people to shove info down their throat... Then in the end, regurgitate everything out... Come on la, IAC is a no-brainer module lo... If in the end we kena fail or something ah, then it's really stupid la... Just now I freaking messaged all of them, to force them to decide on a hypothesis... If this goes on, I'm going to freaking die of a heart attack...
Ok... My group did kena the chicken slaughterhouse Q for Thermo.. It looks freaking challenging... Hope I don't start growing white hair after the whole project...
K la, Hope a miracle happens soon (Or somebody please slap my IAC Team-mates awake)... Let's get an A for IAC! Yeah!.... Siaoz... Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 2:43 PM
Xx Thermo xX Alright, this morning's thermo test ain't exactly great... Probably already lost around 10 marks... So screwed... Wei jie probably the top scorer (As usual *Rolls eyes*) of the class... Well anyways, ain't expecting great results for this common test already... IPC & Math is left... & I have a bad feeling both ain't gonna be easy...
Tomorrow's the last day of school before term "break"... What break? Got break meh? Oh... You mean "Time-to-do-your-projects & Study-for-damn-tests" week... Bah... All the projects are just like gettng shoved into our faces... Sianz....
Alrighty, had bio lab work today... Kinda fun... Had to count the number of cells using a haemocytometer. How to count? Just count every single cell in the middle grid squares, using a microscope (duh!)... The super close-together lines.... Haha.. Not really count all la... Just count 3 sets of 16 squares... Then use "Agar"-ation la.... Haha... Shaun count his sample until almost puke... 500+ cells in 16 small little 0.2mm squares?!
Yup.. That's about it lo... Btw, i need to learn to be gentle with agar plates... Haha... I've screwed them up twice in 3 lab sessions liao... 1st time was accidentally burning it,; 2nd was using too much force to spread the damn cells, then the agar kena crush... Lols....
Ok la.. Till next time, Au Revoir!!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:18 PM
Xx Bio Test Flunked xX Sigh... Had Bio test this afternoon... Feeling damn depressed right now.. I know I shouldn't be depressed over a small common test.. But can't help it... I mean, it's only Year 1, what's more to come? Ok la, I don't think I failed... Just made stupid mistakes due to lack of confidence... I erased correct answers just coz I felt that it wasn't good enough or correct... Stupid Q on endospores, should have just written what I thought! Damn la.... =(
Sigh... Thermo's this thursday... Wonder how I'll fare... Not really confident of myself though... Still get wrong answers sometimes... Sigh... Haiz... Wish myself luck then... Since no one wishes me that.. Lols...
Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:14 PM