Xx Projects & Common Test xX Hmmm... Currently have 2 projects on high priority at hand now... Thermodynamics and Inorganic & Physical Chem... Well... Both projects seem interesting... Except IPC's project is more fun - Design a car that runs on the reaction of a Weak Acid and Baking Soda and can run for a predetermined distance...Sounds nice right? It's actually a competition amongst all the students in CBE Module Group 1.2 (Psst! That's tougher module group! Haha)...
Thermo is just pure engineering designing... 1 of the Q was to design a boiler that fully complies with his given parameters. The other was to deisgn a
Chicken Slaughterhouse that also satisfies the given specifications la... Haha... Sometimes I wish my group will get the slaughterhouse Q, even though it's significantly tougher(I think), I guess we'd learn more and also understand all the damn formulas much faster... The Qs haven't been assigned yet... So ya, let's just see waht happens lo...
Next monday is pure nightmare! Biomolecular Science & Thermodynamics test! Biomol is quite easy if you memorise the stuff... Thermo's
THE killer, man... Sigh... WIsh me luck, eh? Haha...
Today, Mr Charles Ong (
The Thermo lecturer)["What?! Thermo again?!] brought us on a tour of all the Thermo-related labs... Yup... A lot of cool, not to mention mega-expensive, equipments around... "Lazer Scatterer", Zeta potential (S$120,000), All the technical "bleah-s"... There's this really neat equipment, that shows us the surface of atoms or something... When you remove the glass jar covering the measuring device, it makes this "Remove Darth Vader's helmet" sound... Then Gerard Chen went, "I am your father..." Lol... Btw, the equipment sits on a floating platform so that the surrounding vibrations (Like a plane flying overhead) will not affect the results...
Yup yup.. Kinda neat... I'm beginning to feel proud of my school! Wahaha! Ok la... I sort of gave you a textual tour of the labs le la... Shall go "pia" Math & IPC liao... Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:00 PM
Xx Bah! Boring! xX Hmmm... Getting really lazy to blog nowadays... Can hardly find the energy to do so... Common test is in 2 weeks time on week 7 and now's week 5! Urgh! How fast time flies! Actually the common test week is on week 9, but the lecturers love to bring it to the 7th week to "make it easier" on us coz if we have the test earlier, we'll have more time to study for tests in week 9... But the problem is, 3 of the 4 tests are on week 7! So what's the damn difference?! =( Haha...
Ok la.. Whatever la... All the freaking project stuff are beginning to drive me nuts too.. Haiz... Ok anyways... Had bio prac. today.. Observed microbes lo.. Quite cool la... those little creepy things... Spherical, Rod, Clusters... Different shapes & sizes... Yup... That's about it lo...
Haha... Btw, there's something wrong with reuben today... Crazy nutter... Keep saying Alvin sucks Harvard's "You-Know"... Wahaha.. Damn hilarious la... Harvard is like -.-"... Haha.. we were poking fun at them the whol day lo! Lols... No la.. Don't think they're gay la... wahaha... Just freaking hilarious... And yeps, Reuben proclaimed Thursday as "Harvard Day"... So he's gonna be the butt of all jokes on every Thursday! Yay to Harvard! Lols...
That's all for now la... Need to finish up Math! Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:46 PM
Xx Gimme a Break! xX Haiz... Seriously need a break!!! I'm so tired already... Hmmm... "Maybe it's just me", to quote Harvard's nick... Yeah.. Really feel lethargic... I really can sleep for an entire day!
Bottom-line: I'm tired... I wanna rest!!! Saturday! Sunday! I love you!!! Lols...
Ok la... Had 5 hours of lessons straight... Sick right.. What kinda Bullshit schedule is this?! And IPC had to come at the later part... Really makes you wanna sleep... Urgh!!! And I can't catch any balls in IPC... Sucks right... The lecturer's like spilling out Tamil or what language... Thermodynamics still manageable... So far so good la... Just the formula of Open systems makes u go crazy!!
Yup... Today's THermo practical was kinda interesting... I mean the later part though.. The first part - Measure the stupid pressure and stuff of some system... Wah... Make you go crazy lo... THe later part? We ate biscuits dipped into
Liquid Nitrogen... So cool right? When you breathe out, the Nitrogen fog(?) will spill out of your nostrils and mouth... So fun! Haha... And anything that's dipped into that will turn glass-like... Meaning it's brittle... Even a rubber balloon will turn into something like a paper one... And soft items such as a plastic dropper can be smashed into pieces... Cool eh?
Haha.. Ya lo... THen had dinner with Esther, Manru, Elaine & Wen Qian... At
Captain Cook.... That place is horrible... The food is freaking terrible and it's extremely overpriced.. Don't give me bullshit such as "Got so bad meh? Ok la..." Just shove it... It tastes bad and it's overpriced... Full stop... Saw Sam Chung buying new phone... Ya.. That's about it lo.. We all left at arond 8.15pm la...
Okz, I shall go do my MOL a.k.a Math and IPC le la... See ya!!!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:24 PM
Xx Freaky xX *Read if you doubt the existence of the supernatural* Oks... Really feel damn shagged right now... Stayed up till 2 am this morning... Left home for school at 630am... Crazy right.. Haha... Ok la... It's been 2 weeks since my grandfather's passing away... The Taoist priest said that his spirit will return to visit on Sunday and Monday (Which was yesterday)...
The entire family was supposed to be there hiding in any room except the living room and his bedroom. Can you imagine 20 odd people squeezing into 2 small rooms... Haha... From 9pm - 1 am lei! I didn't go on Sunday. No, not because I was lazy, I had Biomol quiz the next day... So had to stay home & study & probably sleep early too... Monday starts at 8 too...
Ok, so I went last night... Had to lay out all the food for my Grandfather & his "Guests"... Quite sumptous, IMO! Ya, after that everybody took close note of all the food to make sure if it was clean (I'll tell you why later).
So after that, 10 mins before 9, we had to go to our rooms. Yeah! I got the smaller room with the better air-con! Lols... Yup... I did my IPC practical report there... My grandma, aunt & cousins were watching the HK serial drama there... So yeah, I finished my report; they finished their shows. So I joined my cousins to play board games. It's a variant of monopoly la... Haha.. The rules so weird de. My elder cousin & I couldn't catch a ball... Haha... So anyway, we entertained ourselves till 1 am... We watched Monster Inc. btw... ya, then at 1am, my grandma and uncle had to throw out loud & sharp objects to "remind" "them" it's time to leave peacefully... Then we waited till 1.10am before we came out...
So we obviously went to check the food la... No change... Alright fine... Maybe my grandpa and his guests were too busy chatting or whatever... Ok, I shall tell you why we're so particular with the food. This is coz, the previous night, 2 short strands of hair was found on 2 of my grandpa's most favourite dishes. It couldn't have flown from somewhere coz all windows were closed and curtains drawn. Freaky eh?! My grandma claimed that they were not there before they entered the rooms.
So ya, you could say, take it for DNA testing la. Would you? If the results came back positive, it'd probably scare the living daylights out of you. Besides, there were no samples to compare with as the things my grandpa used had to be thrown away to prevent him from coming back too often. Yin & Yang are different worlds apart.. So there you have it.
Ok... That's freak happening no. 1... No.2... Like I said, we believed that my grandpa did not leave any traces this morning. But this morning, after dawn la, my grand-aunt phoned my grandma and asked her to check the rice barrel. My grandma was told to fill it up with rice and flatten it. Ok, fine.. Check the rice barrel... What was inside? A pair of
Hand-prints... This is freaking scary.. Even hearing of it scared the wits out of me... There are pictorial evidences too! My uncle took photos with his camera phone and forwarded it to my Dad and eldest brother.. I've yet to see it.. But I believe it'll be there...
So yup... I hope this will make you think twice if you doubt the existence of supernatural forces... I certainly do now... Also, Don't try to explain the unexplained.. yes....
Ok la... This freaking long post.. Shall end off here.. Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:25 PM
Xx Piling Assignments xX Hmm... Well, Assignments are beginning to pile up.. Partly my fault coz I haven't been exactly doing them... =X Haha... Ya lo... Just come online to speed blog then go back to math liao...
Ok... Today's thermodynamics lecture was really interesting.. Haha... Going crazy over all the formulas and stuff liao... ΔU = ∑Q-∑W Exciting right? See liao oso sian.. Come Chemical Eng. is to siam physics.. But in the end, Make me regurgitate everything, as in literally... Haha...
IPC (Inorganic & Physical Chem) was boring as usual... Couldn't understand half of what she said... Yeah.. Nothing much to say about that...
Bio prac... Ok-ok la... Just learn how to prepare agar dish... Do smearing and all the nonsense... Mr. Capinding pissed me off, a little la... See, I still use
Mister... This shows that I'm not angry with him... Haha... People who know me will know that I'd call someone the nastiest names if I'm angry with him/her... Lols... It just made me wanna ignore him... He's a friendly guy la... Just that sometimes he can get irritated easily... I probably did ignore him a bit after the practical... He said that "We must be positive! Right, Glenn?" I just said "What? Oh... Ya..." Then I looked away... Lol... Nasty Ol' me... Haha...
Ok la... Shall end off here... Needa do IPC tutorial and Math! F1F1F1! For people who dunno what's F1 (I'm sure Elaine doesn't!), try pressing it... Haha...
Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:38 PM
Xx Girls are Evil! xX 
Proven #

Also proven #
Xx Women: As defined by Engineers xX 
Hazardous Material!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:15 PM
Xx Back To Normal xX ALright.. Everything is back to normal now... Mourning period over... Trying to get back to routine life... Need to catch up on HW & and other stuff... Sigh... Shall spare everyone the details of the entire week...
My grandfather was cremated at Mandai Crematorium & the remains were placed at Tai Pei Temple, opposite my Grandfather's home... Yep... You know the TV shows you watch, the creamted remains are always ashes? Well, that's not true... The larger bones will be left behind - Skull, pelvic bone, Femur, etc... Yup... But they are in broken pieces la... The obvious features are still around though... All of us had to place one bone into the urn... Then the rest was handled by the person who engraved the words on the urn... Yup.. That's about it lo!
Went out with Soo Guan & Ben to Sim Lim today.. Ben needed to fix his computer... We spent about an hour at Tekka Mall's BK talking crap la... Yup.. then we went to CP to see Mens' Rings... Lols... The rings reallly look kinda weird on me... But then again, I might buy one.. Haha... Undecided yet.. Lols...
Ok.. That's it for now... Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:44 PM
Xx Bereavement xX Hmm... 31 May 2005... I got woken up by my mum at around 0230... She just said "Wake up. We're going to
Ah Gong's house now. He's very weak now. May leave at anytime." So I just sat up in a daze and followed everybody else lo...
Well... Reached there at about 0300 (Forgot the time =X)... Yup.. I just see my grandfather lying on his bed. Breathing apparatus was still pumping oxygen into his lungs. But yeah, No chest rise & fall... Straight away, we knew what had happened. According to my Grandmother & cousin, he passed away at 0240
peacefully... Yup, so that's a relief... Sigh... The body was so pale... Eventually, the fingers grew white & his skin felt cold. I didn't cry at that moment... Until my eldest brother came later... When my mum broke the news to him, he just broke down la... So did I, and probably everyone else... My grandmother was really strong... She didn't shed a tear until later at around 4+... The doctor came at about 3+, & ya, pronounced my grandfather dead... The hired nurses then turned off the life support machines and removed all the tubing...
The undertaker came at 4+... Apparently, he's also the undertaker of Huang Na... No wonder he looked so familiar... Ok... All my relatives just sat at the living room and "stoned"? Ya... Something like that la.. Others were handling paperwork... My brother & I left for home at 6... I skipped Engineering Math lecture which was at 8... But I attended IPC practical at 11 la... Ok la.. Prepare standard soluton.. Do before le... No kick... Yup... After that, I left for home, skipping the 3pm EM lecture... Heehee...
Ya, ate at home then went to Mt. Vernon funeral parlour... Or otherwise known as Fairprice Caskets Funeral Parlour... Ya... The priest did his chanting & stuff and we paid our respect... My grandfather's body was already embalmed nicely... Much better looking than the pale body I witnessed that very morning... I couldn't cry that time... Either coz I ran out of tears (which I believe not) or I cried it all out that morning... I believe it was the latter... Yup... After that the usual things happen la... People visit, Pay their respects, Give "White Gold"... Stuff like that la... Yup... I just returned from the funeral parlour, blogging now... Hmm...
Ok la, I'm fine la people... Just trying to get on with life... Will be shuttling between school, home & the parlour till Saturday... Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 12:06 AM