Xx A week in school xX Hmm... What can I say about Ngee Ann after being in it for a week?
Modules & LecturesI guess there isn't really much difference in the things studied as compared to JC... Just a different pace, yes? According to the THermodynamic lecturer, we are doing a bit of O-level, A-level & University stuff... "How... Exciting?" PW? So do we have one... The lecturers, as usual, some are boring, others are more hilarious... But I think none of the lecturers at MJC are hilarious... Lols... Most seem so stressed up, as if they were gonna explode when one makes the slightest mistakes... Lol, they need psychological help.
The campus itselfThe campus is really nice, although a tad too old... Don't blame it though, it was built so long ago... At least they did lots of renovation work on the interior... Yup, so I'm satiated... The convention centre is one helluva cool place... Yup, Looks really nice on both inside & outside... It has to be, coz it's new... Lols... The teaching hub, or Block 56, is new as well... Mainly used to teach IS(Inter-disciplinary Studies), I suppose. The atrium is super large & super well-ventilated... But it lacks fans though... Haha... Overall, Ngee Ann has one helluva good campus...
The lifestyle & peopleWell, the lifestyle here is kinda laid-back... Maybe it isn't the exam period yet, so you don't see many people mugging... Most people hang out around Canteen 1 or 2... Probably coz these 2 canteens are the nicest amongst the 5... There are some really colourful people here... Well, we got punks, pai-kias, guai-kias (Me! Lols!), bimbos, himbos, etc... You name it, we got it... Lols... Yeah, Colourful bunch, in a nutshell.
The FoodHmm, can't review much on the food... Only been to canteen 1 twice... Canteen 1 has ok-ok food... Nothing much I can say... Normal hawker-fare but at lower rates... I visit the SIM canteen mostly... FYI, SIM - Singapore Institute of Management... Ya, coz it's just beside my science blocks! Haha. THe food here is great... Relatively cheap as well... The chicken cutlet is huge! For only $3.50, you can get a chicken cutlet that is probably as large as my face! Lols! But the Soup-Of-The-Day tastes kinda weird when you near the bottom of the bowl... Lols... Yup yup.. SIM canteen is definately a must-try...
Yep, that concludes this review... I've only been here one week! Don't blame me if I can't see through any facades or whatever la... Haha. Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:27 PM
Xx First Day @ NP xX Hmm... Woke at 0545 today... Not very used to it... Sky's still dark... Birds still silent... I usually wake at 10+.. That's when my ass gets burnt by the sun rays.. Lols...
Yep.. Met Eugene Chua (Not Seow, mind you) & company on the NEL train... Alighted at Clementi and took the stupid shuttle bus... Yup.. Arrived at 0745... Took quite a long time eh?! Yong Yuan headed to block 4, the rest of us went uphill lo... Coz Engineering school and Life science school is at the top of the hill... I headed for Math lecture with Lid Yinn... The lecturer is like !so!
boring! She make things sound so complex... Significant figures can explain for half an hour lo... *Snores*
After that was Inorganic Chem practical lesson... Couldn't do anything much coz haven't even had a single theory lesson yet... Yeps.. FLipped through the Practical Manual... 1st experiment: Preparing standard solution... Sigh... Here we go again... Ok, the lecturer studied in Japan.. So she speaks with this funny Japanese accent... Ya... That's about it lo... Since we had no experiments to do.. She gave us early dismissal... Supposed to end at 2, but we left at 12! Wahaha... Yeps... Met a few people there... Only found 1 person with the same Timetable...
Stupid lei... After that a few of us went to eat at SIM foodcourt... Not bad la the food... Quite cheap too! (IMO la) =) Yeah.. After having lunch we went to walk around "NP Orchard Road"... Then some left for home coz they don't have anymore lessons... So Lynette(The one with the common timetable), Alvin & I slacked at the atrium &
tried to play online games... Stupid NPnet... Blocked all gaming servers! Even Yahoo Pool oso cannot play! Argh!!! So we settled for MSN Messenger's Minesweeper instead... He beat me by 1 mine... Tyco mine summore! If you play that game before, you should know what I mean la... =(
Kkz... Last lecture of the day.. By the same lecturer as mentioned above! Boring!!!! Ya... Stupid YK & JB saw Lynette walking
behind me (not beside!), then they started doing those stupid low IQ "Woo! Ahh!" noises... Puh-leasssseeee! Grow up la... I barely know her for 3 hours! I'm not that flirtatious ok?! Lols... The whole lecture group hurried the lecturer to finish the chapter quickly so we could have early dismissal.. Haha.. So we got dismissed at 1630 lo...
Yup... So here I am, blogging about the first day at school... Wasn't that bad, not great either la... But still, survive-able... Ok, Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:30 PM
Xx English Tests + Back To NP xX Haha.. Was kinda bored just now.. So did a couple of English proficiency tests... Here's the first one:
In this test, you have reached Advanced Level
With this level of English, you may like to consider taking a course leading to the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). These examinations can be taken in over 135 countries.
2nd one
English Genius You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 80% Expert! |
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!
Haha.. Not bad right?! Hee.. At least I know I'm still in touch with my English language...
Ok.. Went back to Ngee Ann today with Psylocke mates (YK, Jian Bin, Su Shan & Jasmine) to buy the Math Book & notes... THe bloody book was out of stock! *Grrr* Then the lady so kao pei... Freaking guai lan.. No wonder Pikachu say she don't like her... Wahaha! Then the photocopying shop so confusing! VIN & Copystar is the same shop... And guess what? It isn't even called Copystar
OR VIN... What the hell lo! *Grrr* I'll go insane after 3 years in this school...
Collected my Tertiary Bus Card today.. The picture so damn ugly... My face ike kena punch till swollen.. Lols... Ya.. After that, YK, JB & I went on to play pool... Heh... I got bullied la... Needless to say... Both so pro... Sigh... Played around 1 hour+ then left for home... Had to walk from Beauty World to Ngee Ann again! Zzzz...
Ok la.. School's starting next tuesday! OOohh.... Exciting! Heh... Still waiting for the 1st lesson ya... Ok la... Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:27 PM

One of my war wounds...

// Citizen Erased @ 11:10 PM
Xx Back From LSCT FOC Camp! xX Psylocke Oi!~ Locke Si Ni! Haha.. I must sound so crazy right now... Just broke camp earlier this afternoon, So i'm still feeling a little hyper.. Hehs...
Ok... Start from Day 1... I was late! Hmm.. But I don't think it's exactly my fault! Coz I caught 74 at around 0820... 1 hour allowance to get there lei! By right it's supposed to be a 40-50 minute trip... Ok anyways, I was late but I'm not the only one... Went on to LT 26... Crowds of people were already there.. But needless to ask, I don't know a single one of them... I got into Psylocke... Weird group name, but whatever! Joseph, the passionate thruster, is the GL... Haha... Poor guy lost his voice by Day 2 coz he was trying so hard to encourage us to shout all the group cheers... Hehs... Yeps, Yah Feng was our other welfare GL... Very encouraging too...
Aight, after warming up to one another, we changed into our unwanted clothes to play some messy games... Ain't gonna describe the entire event.... Summarise it in 3 words: Wet, Oily, Muddy... Yes, oily & muddy... Water games are nothing compared to this... It was so fun! GLs hurled mud bombs with dissolved planta... Haha... But I would only wanna go through that once, thank you.. Haha...
Alright, Day 2... A NP ex-lecturer held a talk about Innovation & Enterprise (I&E)... It's like so "Zzzz"... Then we went on to play a lame game.. It's so lame I don't even wanna bother reminiscing on the event... Ok... After that, we changed into our unwanted clothes again... This time, It's even oilier & muddier... Imagine rolling around in a shallow trench of mud! Woooo! Ok, The sight & smell of the muddy trench can easily make one regurgitate lunch... Haha.. But after getting into the trench, nothing seemed to matter anymore... It was like wading in some sort of manure... We all transformed into mad squeeling pigs! Hee... Ok basically, today was more disgusting than yesterday...
Ok... 2 am... We went for "Night walk" through one of the allegedly "dirty" building... Freaking spooky ok... The GLs were all hiding along the pre-planned path, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting freshies =( Had to walk in pairs, I paired with Trixy.. She's so bad! Make me walk ahead... Hell money was scattered all over the path... Paths were only lit with pathetic glowsticks... The lifts & stairwells were completely dark... Long hallways with creepy music playing... Man, that was freaking scary...
Day 3... End of camp! It was really fun singing songs together! Made quite a few new friends already... Yeah! My group came in 2nd... The evil Mojo Jojo group came in champion.. Argh!!! Ok that's beside the point.... What's important was we made new friends!
Alright... This is the beginning of a new chapter in life... Hopefully it's gonna be one of the best! Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:48 PM
Xx Camp Tomorrow =X xX Sigh.. Camp tomorrow.. WHy must it be a camp?! Why not workshop?! Argh!!!! Sian lei... Really don't like camps... Camp wanna pon oso cannot.. Haizz... The next 3 day 2 nights are probably gonna be a torture... Dunno why lid yinn enjoy camps so much.. She must be deprived of camp life in NCHS when she's in basketball.. Lols.. I've had my fair share.. Enuff liao please =X...
Hmmm... OK school's gonna start soon.. I saw my timetable already... Earliest lesson at 8; Latest at 4... 8 lei! Must leave home at like 645? Then must take bus with those secondary school and
NJC students.. It's not that I have anything against them.. It's just that they are so large in numbers, I hate to squeeze with them.. Ergh!
No mood to play Diablo 2 now... Kinda bored already... Waiting for shogi to call me on skype... Lols..
Ok la... SHall give ya'll an "aftermath" report when I'm back.. Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:20 PM
Xx Freshman Convention Day xX Hmm.. Tomorrow hafta go back Ngee Ann for the abovenamed event... Hmmm.. Starts at 1Pm.. Late ain't it? Whatever la... Heard must choose CCA tomorrow? Not really very sure.. CAnoe-ing/Kayak-ing is outta the Question... Coz it's so popular it's bound to have trials, which I am sure to fail... How 'bout Archery? Hmm... Scully like Air Rifle... Just shooting pieces of paper.. That's gonna be hell boring... Ok whatever, Tomorrow then see ba..
Well, LSCT camp next week.. Like I said, not really looking forward to it.. But just go for the sake of making friends la.. I already forgot most of the names I learnt from Induction Day.. Oops? Ok la.. Just hope the 3 days quickly pass... Don't really like camps...
Well, Jim just blew his top for nothing... He ask if Shogi & I wanna play Gunbound.. I said "no".. Then he just "boom"... Like wtf man, I don't even have Gunbound on my laptop and how d'ya expect me to play?! Hmmm! Whatever!~
OK la.. Shall end off here.. Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:20 PM
Xx Laptop In Hand! xX Yeps... blogging from my laptop now.. kinda cool.. lols.. Got my router today.. So yeah, finally have wireless LAN... But the performance fluctuates greatly.. Irritating.. zzz...
Still trying to gget used to the new keyboard... Kinda weird... =( Lols... Gonna Skype later... Yeah.. Kinda addicted to that internet telephony program... It's so fun.. Great to hear your friends voices instead of the text they spill out...
Hmmm.. alright.. shall end of here.. Schools starts in 2 weeks.. KInda looking forward to it but then hate it too.. eRGH... Caught in the middle.. Lols..
TIll next time, Au revoir...!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:46 PM
Xx Laptop xX Hmm.. finally received my laptop today evening.. It's great la... But I lack one vital part to perfect the laptop... A freaking router... Damn lo.. Feeling really fed-up now.. Coz having a laptop w/o internet access is like having a body w/o arms... Argh!!! Sians... Have to transfer my stuff using Zen.. This really sucks a lot...
Hmm.. Whatever... Tomorrow's 324 outing... Wonder if there's gonna be "Ice" all over again... Hopefully not la.. Alrighty, I really have no mood to blog now...
Till next time, Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:41 PM
Xx Rob Thomas - This is how a heart breaks + Update xX Don't you wanna go for a ride
Just keep your hands inside
And make the most out of life
Now don't you take it for granted
Life is like a mean machine
It made a mess outta me
It left me caught between
Like an angry dream I was stranded
And I'm steady but I'm starting to shake
And I don't know how much more I can take
This is it now
Everybody get down
This is all I can take
This is how a heart breaks
You take a hit now you feel it break down
Make you stay wide awake
This is how a heart breaks
Don't you wanna go for a ride
Down to the other side
Feels so good you could cry
Now won't you do what I told you
I remember when you used to be shy
Yeah, once we were so fine
You and I why you gotta make it so hard on me
And I'm sorry but it's not a mistake
And I'm running but you're getting away
You're not the best thing that I knew
Never was never cared too much
For all this hanging around
It's just the same thing all the time
Never get what I want
Never get too close to the end of the line
You're just the same thing that I knew back before the time
When I was only for you
UpdateYeps.. Simply love this song.. Too bad I can't find a host to host a 6.5mb file w/o bandwidth restriction, otherwise I'd put that song on this blog.. Haha.. Rob Thomas rocks! Lols... Ok whatever..
Been feeling kinda depressed over something... The problem is I really don't know what that something is... Hmmm... How to fix it?! Aiyo... Maybe if i just sat still or think about something else, it'll just go away? Haha.. I sound so psycho right now...
Argh! Damn Acer... I hate them!!! Don't be a vendor for NP if they can't deliver the notebooks on time la... They simply just suck! Sigh.. Don't know if I should go Sim Lim tomorrow.. Ah ben wants to buy the parts for his screwed-up PC... I wanna buy a router, but it's like so expensive.. My mum said, "If you want to buy a router, ask your brother to go get it." Like.. Hello?! You'd really think I would get conned?! That sucks lo! I'm Seventeen not Seven! WtFFFF...
OK I'm feeling another wave of depression sweeping over me again... Must be becoz of the laptop & all the other small things... Sigh... Nevermind! Rob Thomas will cheer me up! Lols...
Ok la, shall end off here... Feeling really upset over nothing... Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:24 PM

Execute the Teddies!

Yeah! Friends for Life!

Zzz.. Again... Hahas!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:22 PM
Xx Great Day! xX Wow.. Today's a real great day.. Went out with Jim, Soo & Ben again.. We went to Little India to drink Teh Tarik at some sleazy Indian Shop.. Haha.. Jim had his lunch there... Dosai or something la.. Ok, after that we went to Sim Lim Square coz Ah Ben's CPU "Generator" was screwed... Ok it wasn't a generator.. Far from it, but I don't know the exact name though.. All I know it's the box of wires at the back of the CPU, some sort of Power Distributor or Transformer... Yeah, that's more like it...
Ok, after that we went to look around at the shops outside Bugis Junction... The stuff look kinda normal.. Nothing special la.. Wanted to buy a pendant or something.. But after that, Nah! Lols.. Ok, so we slacked around Bugis then headed to Suntec City... Walked a bit there.. Then went to HMV.. I bought Rob Thomas's CD! Haha.. If I was a girl, I'd fall in love with him.. lol.. Just kidding la! I rather buy that CD from HMV than Tower Records.. Simple reason... Coz a certain
cow is working there... Name starts with "J", ends with "n"... Ok, his songs a real cool.. Damn nice... Except a few, like 1 or 2, are kinda ZZzzz... Haha..
Went to Esplanade afterwards... Took some pictures there.. Haha.. Guys take pictures too, ok?! No la, Actually it was more of some memory thingy.. Coz schools' gonna start soon =( *Sniffs* Sat around there until 6... Wanted to eat Pastamania, but there weren't any nearby... So we went to Marina Square to eat Long John Silvers... But the set meals weren't available anymore... So Soo n Jim decided not to eat... I was focking hungry then lo, coz I only had that bit of tasteless macaroni for lunch... So I slightly lost my temper la.. Haha.. Sorry lei.. Was really hungry la! Could eat a whole cow then... Not that "Cow" la... So we ate at Millenia Walk's BK...
After that Ah Ben's Mum kept calling him to go home tutor his bro for
English.. How do you even tutor English? Hmmm... Toughie~~ So we went to Dhoby Ghaut to take train home lo.. On the way we took even more pix at the War Memorial! Haha... Taking pics are even more fun than stoning around... Alrighty, alighted with Jim at HG MRT station.. And we saw Shu Jim again!! We saw him at Suntec today.. haha.. Well anyways, Shu Jim is in Ngee Ann as well... So the 3 of us just talked for like 15-20 minutes.. Jim is in NYP though.. Awww... Poor Thing =)
Alright la... That's about it la.. Really had lots of fun today.. Haha.. My laptop's coming soon! OOOOO~~~ Ok la.. Enuff BS! Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:45 PM
Xx Update xX Alrighty... Changed the MV on my blog again.. Not of very good quality tho.. But who cares... It's nice! Matchbox 20 rocks!
Okz... Peoples' beginning to ask when my school's starting.. It's gonna start in 3 weeks time on the 24th of May... Alrighty! Can't wait till that day comes! LSCT conducting camp next next week... LSCT = School Of Life Science & Chemical Technology... Oooh.. Ok, I don't really look forward to that, but it's for the sake of making new friends! So yeah, no choice... ZZzzz... When's my laptop gonna arrive?! I'm gonna start rotting soon.. Ergh!
Gonna have to recontract Maxonline 2000 with Starhub to get a free router! After that I can use my laptop from my room! Woot! Haha.. I must sound so crazy right now..
Well anyways, Lydia organising outing for 05S324(PAE) next Saturday! Yeah... Haven't seen those peeps for a long time... Wonder what we're gonna do then... Hmmm...
Ok la, Thats all for now. Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 6:32 PM