Xx Sakae Sushi Later xX Zzz.... Going to Rivervale Mall later to eat Sakae sushi buffet.. Zzz.. Must go so far... Somemore RM so "inaccesible"... Haiz.. My student card at my dad's office... So that means can't have student price liao... =( Well anyways, Jim ain't eating... Both Soo & I sort of anticipated this already... That lamer... Ask people to go eat then he himself don't wanna go... Zzz... Wadeva! Haha...
Finally got a music video for my blog! =D Let's start off with "Rob Thomas - Lonely No More"... I simply love that MV, man! Nice flipping of those stuff! Took me a long time to find this video URL to stream... The previous URLs gave me laggy clips... Zzzz... Thanks to Chowder's MV on her blog.. I just copy her HTML and pasted here.. Lol.. Save me time to find out how to configure the damn Windows Media Player...
Ok la.. Shall end off here... Enjoy the MV! Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:33 AM

Adidas SS2G

Vans | Geoff Rowley XL2
// Citizen Erased @ 8:41 PM
Xx Shopping @ Queensway xX Aiyo.. So sian... Wen to Queensway shopping centre to buy shoes and clothes... Bought Adidas SS2G at $80... That's the price after discounting... Aiyo... Really damn sian... Sometimes I think I spend too much, but then again, you don't realize it until you buy it.. Well anyway, It's already bought... So what the heck la... I already have
Vans' Geoff Rowley XL2 which I bought for Prom and that cost like
$$$ (Yes, It's a 3 digit figure)... Aiyooo.... Boo hoo! Ok la... I only began spending after graduating from NCHS... In NCHS, I rarely went out... So I guess that's kinda relieving... Haha..
Bought a few shirts as well... About $10 for each.. Aiya.. I think that price is ok ok la... Ok, left pants to buy.. Probably gonna buy 1 more only coz I really feel sick spending
that much money... Ok.. SG stuff are really expensive... What to do?! This
is Singapore... OK that's bullcrap... Argh!!! Must stop SPENDING!
Sigh... I really hope school starts soon... But then I probably won't be seeing my clique (namely Jim, Soo Guan, Joseph(?) & maybe Ah Ben) much liao.. Haiz!! Time to move on... But hopefully can stay in contact la... Cruel life.. Ergh!!
Ok la... Shall go stone liao.. Hope school starts real soon so I can stop spending! Sigh... Al righty! Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:18 PM
Xx A day with Ah Ben xX How does one define "A day out with Ah Ben"? Well... To me, it's nothing more than a trash-talking session... You will never believe what
and how much nonsense he spills out from his mouth like a fountain the magnitude of Suntec's Fountain Of Wealth.. OMGosh... That guy can "freeze" you to death with all the BS he speaks... And the worst thing is he laughs at his own jokes... Hur Hur Hur... Lol...
Ok la.. Went out with Jim, Soo & Ah Ben to "prowl" along Orchard Rd again... Really damn sian lei.. It's like the shops are the same.. And there's nothing to see! Saturday somemore.. Packed like compressed sardines.. Went to take a look at shoes at Plaza Singapura.. But the shoes were like so ex, so we decided to go down to Queensway to buy shoes somewhere this week... Probably going to eat Sakae Sushi as well on Monday or Tuesday.. That Jimathan Fu better go otherwise I'll kill him~ =X
Ok.. After that went on to play LAN at Superbowl Kovan.. CS la, obviously! Yeah.. I trashed everyone on Fy_iceworld.. Or rather I tried to trash.. Bloody Ah Ben! Always foil my plans to knife Jimathan!!! ArgH!!! Must be coz I knifed him once that's why he not happy.. Lol... I got trashed in Fy_Poolday... that map sucks la.. I hate playing that online.. But no choicce.. Only 4 players, Play Cs_assault meh?!
Ok.. Bullcrapping again.. Ended around 7.40pm? After that we walked to Kovan to wait for the bus.. Then we just talk bullcrap again.. I told them something that happened to Esther in sec 2 during Red Cross training.. Lol.. Well what happened was...
Benedict Sir wanted us to change into our RC uniforms.. Esther, being a girl, headed into the girls toilet la.. The aunty cleaning the floor saw her and said
" Ah boy ah, Ni jing cuo ce suo le" (Forgive my han yu pin yin. It sucks!) LOL! Wahahahaahha!!! Ok then of course Esther said she was a girl la.. So everything went on as per normal after that.. Lols... (Highlight to see!)
That was freaking hilarious! Ok la.. She did have a "boyish" hairstyle during Sec 2 la.. Many people thought she was a guy too... Soo Guan admitted that he did not realize Esther was a girl until Resvan told him.. Ah Ben also didn't realize until a week passed.. LOL! Freaking funny..
Alright la.. Esther's probably gonna trash me like mad if she reads that.. Haha! Sorry!! Ok la.. That's all... Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:26 PM
Xx No Updates xX Alright.. Basically I have been at home rotting for God-Knows how long... Damn boring lei! When can school start?! I know I sound crazy.. But it sure beats rotting away at home doesn't it?!
*Skip this paragraph if you don't play NS; I'm just bullshitting*
Been playing Natural Selection like crazy these few days... Really nothing to do la... Was actually considering to sign up for AIRinc's SS3 (Obviously it's for weaker players la!) SS1 is their elite team... Well anyway, decided against it cause the clan leader states that NS must be my "Game-of-choice" for at least the next 18 months.. Like, I only started NS since last June & sometimes I really do feel kinda sian playing it... V3X ain't recruiting; p2o really dunno where the hell their server is. I found out V3X's wabbit is really quite highly respected... Haha.. Known as the "Mommie" of V3X lei.. Haha...
Ok la.. Enough BS on Natural Selection... Quite a lot of people started school already... NYP & RP has begun its semester... Argh!! NP why so slow?! Damn lei... Rot Rot Rot... Oxygen -> "Carbon Dioxide" Converter... Sigh.. Waiting for my laptop to come also.. Sometimes I really regret buying the $2.7K de.. Coz it's like so ex.. But aiya.. Then again, Since I'm gonna use it for the next 3 years, It'd better be good...
OK... Gonna end of with a quote from Josephine.. Till next time, Au Revoir!
If the World didn't suck, We'd all fall off. So live with it.
-Josephine, MJC
// Citizen Erased @ 9:57 PM
Xx Freshman Induction Day xX Hmmm.. Went to NP today for LSCT's Freshman Induction Day.. Aiyo.. The first 2/3 of the day was like so -------------------..... You get the idea... Just talk n talk n talk n talk... About the stuff I already know... Well anyways the Director of LSCT school is a high flyer eh... Its a lady... She hold dual posts at NP! Director of LSCT & Senior Director of NP! Ahhhh!! So pro... Super
nu qiang ren... Ok whatever.. Lols.. I can't help but just keep insulting the lecturers and students of the Horticulture course.. Lol... All like damn loser 1 lei.. Haha.. Oops =X The core lecturer of Horticulture is always at his garden watering plants de.. wahahaha!
Ok.. After all the intros n stuff.. The GLs brought us to play games.. Well.. What else could they play.. Whacko lo... Bleah.. Boring! I never got hit once.. As usual... Haha... Anyway, the people from BIO & BMS don't look like it.. Can you imagine, types like Mamasan Clorine in BIO? We're talking about 10-pointers lei... Omg man.. A lot of feminine guys also.. Lols... Don't mind them la.. It's the new age of metrosexuals, you see...
Then after that signed up for the $12 camp... It'd better be fun man... After registration... Went on to buy lab coat... $18 lei.. I buy liao then pok le... Ok.. The deal was to buy liao then go to the LT.. But
Pika, Wendy (Someone from SBM) & I decided to zhao!!! Haha.. We're not the only ones anyway... Coz all of us really cannot take it la... Havent eat lunch... Almost 2 liao sumemore... Yeah.. Took 74 to HG mall & ate at the foodcourt...
Ok la.. That's all for today.. Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:37 PM
Bawoo! Smelly lei~

Snowben preparing for his gig.. Nice Socks!

// Citizen Erased @ 11:07 PM
CPU Revived Phew.. Finally my PC is up & running again! Motherboard and the wire to the hard disk were screwed... Motherboard screwed lei! Can you believe it?! *Eyes Jim* Lol... Ok la.. Dunno whose fault anyway... Motherboards are so cheap now.. $93... Hmmm... Hint Hint.. Haha... Ok whatever~
Sigh... Hafta go to Ngee Ann tomorrow for Chem & Life Science school's (LCST) Freshman Induction Day... Blah.. 0845 at the LT... 0845 lei! 1 hour bus trip (Oh crap! I forgot to charge my zen...) Must buy lab coat somemore! Sians 1/2...
Ok Enough of that bullcrap... Went to the class gathering at Chow's house on friday night... Was quite boring at the start.. Just stone and watch south park.. Blah!! Then went upstairs to watch CSI: NY... The caterer was late! Hungry~~ Haha.. After eating and stoning for some time, Mamasan finally suggested to play whacko (Whacko Jacko~~).. Then I changed it to double whacko... More fun ma~ Ok Whack whack whack.. Haha! I'm the best player of the whole game! Felicia a.k.a Mao mao never got whacked until all of them decided to sabo us! Should have kept my mouth shut.. Lol... Those that got whacked the most had to wear a skirt & do all sorts of crazy stuff! (Pics Above)
Sa(m)tan: Do his "satanic" dance...
Bawoo (Wenwu): Pole dance...
Snow(Ben): Sing some stupid song n send flying kisses...
Haha.. Damn crazy man.. After that went to the playground to play *Drum Roll*
Police & Thief a.k.a Ice & Water a.k.a Catching!!
LOL! We still kids lei~ Kiddy Kiddy~ Kaoz.. Only Joseph & I were the catchers.. Crap lei.. How to manage the "captured" thieves?! Their "comrades" keep coming to save them.. Blah! Had fun anyway... =D
After that we all began to head home... Jim & I took 854 lo... Lol.. Dumbass jim.. decided to walk home from Bowen Sec.. It's like so far, man... Ok la.. That's all for now.. Till next time, Au Revoir!
(P.S.: Thanks to Chow's mum for hosting this event on the house! That means for free la..)
// Citizen Erased @ 10:43 PM
Adam & Eve... Disney Style... (This was not digitally altered)

// Citizen Erased @ 8:57 PM
Xx Tiring Tuesday xX Hmm.. Went to Sim Lim with Jim & Soo guan.. Just walked around aimlessly looking for tech stuff.. Not many Acer laptops could be spotted on display.. Is that supposed to be good or bad? Well anyways.. We just walked like zombies.. Taking a glance at stuff that seemed to interest us...
Ok.. Finished scouting out at Sim Lim.. And so we walked to Bugis... Bought some drinks and then proceded on to Plaza Singapura... Funny eh.. Go Bugis to buy drink.. Actually wanna walk around de.. But then we thought, "Eh.. Like nothing 1 lei!" So yeah, that's it.. Passed by the art museum & spotted this picture (above).. OOooohh.... Novelty!!! Haha... So er xin.. Later Disney sue them...
Ok.. Went on to Far East Plaza just too find something that Soo Guan likes~~~.. Practically walked our legs off... We didn't take any transportation between Sim Lim n Orchard ah.. take note! Searched every single nook n cranny of every floor.. .Guess what... He called Amanda n she said, "Huh.. That means not there lo..." WOW!!! If she was around, my legs will just grow autonomous for 5 seconds n kick her in her butt, then it'll die on me... haha..
Ok la.. After that we had a quick meal at Long John Silvers & went home after that... Went to visit my Primary school friend & chatted with him for quite a while.. He's in Marine Engineering at SP... Sounds interesting.. Haha..
A'ight.. That's all for today! Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:31 PM
Xx Monotonous Monday xX Hmmm.. It's just another boring Monday... Everyday life is now oh-so-routine... How I'd wish i could slack at MJC for another month... Haha...
Well... Was listening to Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together".. Not that the lyrics meant anything to me (lols)... It just has a very pleasant tune to it... So sians... I'd just wish school started next week! Hmm.. Nah.. Maybe not.. This week's gonna be extremely boring again... Have to go down to NP on thursday to submit the stupid Matriculation forms &
shun bian see the laptops.. Hehe... Acer's TM4003WTCi looks kinda appealing... Very light @ 1.4Kg...
Right now, I'm kinda wishing something will happen.. haha... That the sky will fall! Just kidding.. Nah.. Not that la... Something else... There's still a glimmer of hope that'll happen though... Clinging onto it.. haha... Don't worry.. it's not that kinda mushy love affair thingy either.. Lols...
Ok la.. Till next time, Au Revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:12 AM
 | You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).
Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
agnosticism | | 83% | Buddhism | | 79% | Islam | | 67% | Hinduism | | 67% | Judaism | | 58% | atheism | | 58% | Paganism | | 58% | Christianity | | 58% | Satanism | | 50% |
Am I supposed to say Oops?
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with QuizFarm.com |
// Citizen Erased @ 6:30 PM
Xx New Chapter xX Sigh.. Not that I wanna start on a dejective note.. It's just that reality bites... Staring at my matriculation package, I realized some things just can't be the same.. New school = New chapter in life = New friends What happens to those in the previous chapter? Sadly, They just fade away... "Where got?" That you might think.. Let's be frank, how much contact do you keep with your primary school friends? Personally, Not more that 5... Now I'm even beginning to lose contact with those that live closest to my home...
Memories are all yours to keep... Some people may say "Memories are enough"... That's just a lonely excuse... Are we really satiated with fond memories? The answer is no... Who doesn't want their friends to be by their side for as long as they'll live... Memories... In plain terms, "Can see, cannot touch"...
But as I mentioned above, Reality does bite... & it bites hard... Some things just can't go your way... I ponder now, "Is it possible to stay in touch, maintaining the current relationship level with all my friends?" Sigh... If only...
To all my friends: Regardless of whichever path you choose, whichever Institute of Higher Learning you go, you will never be forgotten... Memories are really all we can keep... Time n Tide waits for no man... Friend, It's time to move on.. I'd be glad if we can always be in contact... Drop me a line whenever you feel like... Friends are forever...
Till next time, Au revoir!
"Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine." - Robert C. Gallagher
// Citizen Erased @ 8:53 PM
Xx Matriculation Package xX Hmm... Finally received the enrollment package, or matriculation package as Ngee Ann calls it... The moment you open the envelope.. Be prepared to be bombarded with dozens of ever-confusing forms.. Indemnity form, Tuition grants, Health declration, Student data, and the list goes on..
Wow.. First time filling in so many forms at one shot.. Almost went blind filling them in... Managed to finish a large part of most forms, leaving the signing parts for later.. I need to stabilise my "morphing" signatures.. haha... Wow.. It's amazing the tuitions fees for Poly is $11K+ a year.. Fortunately the govt. subsidises $9.5K of it.. haha.. Wa... So nice of them... "Right....."
Cutting my hair tomorrow with Jim accompanying... Hmm.. Needa get a picture ASAP to just to mail the stupid student card letter.. Deadline by tomorrow! So Andy... It's not I don't wanna go the Alhenian outing.. It is more of I CMI... Ya'll probably just say "Yeah right"... See as you deem fit.. There's nothing I can do...
Hmm.. Ok.. Soo, Jim & Ah ben came down to my house to watch movies!Actually agreed on "BeCool".. But the quality was like OMFG.. Waste time watching... Dragged on for 5 minutes before we decided to watch "House of Fury" instead... The storyline is hell lame but the fighting was quite entertaining la.. We ordered Pelican Pizza... $20.90 for 2.. Stupid Ah ben.. Forget to pay then zhao... After the movie ended, there's only jim n soo left.. So we played Samurai Warriors Vs. Mode & GTA:SA... Went on a cop killing spree in GTA.. Damn fun! Haha..
Alright.. That's all for today! Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:30 PM
Estrum redefy misbegan places, achromic. Mazed jounced bogeys ghouls
births. Sixteens micells i. Flextime serenata cenacles fasting.
Semplice dainty pandied, baloney. Hamauls, smalto choring hafters
brazil hurtle. Nearness popsie, slipway critter finches.
Niftier natch prees razoring primula nonets fujis alecs grandsir.
Airlines, intrudes butlers moiled isagoge. Reglet peened proclaim
lining footrace books legongs. Corning, leadmen harslet? Blanker
ramjet, payed rehashed nixie dunging. Barytone gurgled caponata lockups
rani. Overlend befoul recipes.
Militant, classers haets majaguas bistort cadavers mulatto daybreak
justices honan. Haired dhows poring hath, preparer galilees secalose.
Clawed requital juggled betided desalted, corbies.
Fourfold, dishfuls, reclean arvo, decreer slanging. Roundup placoid
reshone cranial. Lavage emphases gameness miffy offered split
fuddling. Pelvics drys, dormant rigger. Doolee nosing sonogram riven?
Cereals forgat guanins flossie fiddle gliff.
Clamps, sassed bird moresque inanity chairman bilking, evenings.
Foredid poking rearing, coignes alveolus. Coulisse iolite mystique
imperial salutes energids, deltoid. Owner dictums brail eaves keeps
spastics deadeye. Airdrome bowsing, sauces marques lordings.
Rebatos obliqued pangenes exciter. Disserts moilers kinking fell
bemoans shroff slyness. Druggier kumys busbar, punily harumphs
oilstone. Mercapto baldpate, packaged. Quailing bethels meekly
limerick hulls admass huzzahed bhoot. Hotches insanity kayoes. Pyrola
cutbanks grail sonata.
Hypopnea shuffle mazedly sabaton pores. Pettifog lowe, rattraps
saltiers millieme patchers gridlock. Sludgier, foragers gooky rockers
cembalo passades, nabobess plotties lased? Kvasses, ninepin lusters.
Doctors podsols nastic diagonal jazzily. Pleonasm funds diploid.
Cannonry, rubus mudra carabine. Damning, cheeking kirks deformed
deponent halala.
Greenbug murders chevron, maraud backward prefacer. Heroin degerm
Rattler argental, mescal histamin rids pommeled. Recopy reremind
pouncer amplexus estated? Blurrily alieners eugenia dais, regales.
Crowns alodium push, miladies semiwild.
Burgouts gargle, blueline erotic auspice? Naganas kris rights dewily!
Bookfuls, outplods seisures, immies! Retread needless nobbily.
Licencer parkway scarring cervelat. Prochain seances, lookouts ribwort
cannery regaling pioneer. Catwalk, chyme didst mousse, decanes.
Meiotic concents melon droits. Shirring reobject sabaton cate. Eyres
lues noctuid.
Serein jarred foam. Selfhood marlitic russify, chield noshing claw,
haddock? Pasticci costed recs ottavas mucors jeeps.
Bashaw pruinose, laser. Electros, bluming, dals.
Hiplike sherifs olympiad bandana misrule, drear revetted poulard.
Primly spicery milch inhesion comfiest? Curch, helminth brick, secrets
doe evincing, gust. Sally, scraighs holla hokes, cupelers. Roamers
bibelot boggish extorts loved bombast. Sowbelly miasmas singlets
piling, fines? Flubbing amesace bouncier as. Pulpwood grafter outsmart
phoneys. Condors aspens civicism lookdown shippens antibias. Onrush
refluxes knights.
Halalas, leaning asramas abasia. Anointed spirit picaros, koto serum,
cotan, postboy? Hops heathen desinent fissile corridas feminise
freehold garveys. Haptenic embrown crisps hardtops, rococo. Hub
entrants dognaps celery melodeon. Relived alan barkers, outdress,
boscage, imparked chompers. Reduced moderns quadding perisarc audads.
Alidad hostage butles, dialer hens, lambdas peyotl.
Goral sassy sordino fracti opening. Bruited chronaxy, apnea shiva beamy
alamedas hamadas.
Alizarin felonies inpour angular fanged smolt depths avulsed smalti.
Ambaris mangolds rods alkanets shends hansas. Burke, ensures clown
repetend meaner legalism omitted sleuth rumbas gymnasia. Larkers
avionics humus skylines praams soochong.
Scowls elegist peascod psyches rebozos irides rein brutally rapidity
oilpaper. Aligned drail hutzpah dismay disputer energid cowry. Parles
fabliaux multicar, psst sootily figurant focused salinize hurlings,
genies. Frantic captions coupled mishit nabes, moonier mistimes.
Gharri spanners edibles soupy. Mints, reheels biffed odalisks spanless
Parses grippers pachadom, pissing. Slightly redacted ploys. Aquaria
orchid ferrite optional, aided scudding, grouches midrib, leveling.
Coumarou ratals masking default spaz emcee pun. Sponsons phthisic
profiled, attacker grig. Filmcard lenitive crowders archives outtrade,
advents halliard! Hennas jujube finical, oilholes, arete detentes
assertor. Aloe, friendly larches. Epoch seeding remise basilica
jejunal, aridest. Biotites foci, seabeds dinkey, revelry sidecar
epiderms peruke evictors. Jittery respire armours razee mingiest
retems. Ceboids, revolted dentoid, anatomy slickers. Deign cooers,
balloted, hard, cuttling pillowy kept nighed.
Reraises lowed pommel intraday attune. Bandaged helving durndest
pledgees forecast gayness. Heishi foxtrots.
(This is just a nutty post.. Don't be alarmed! You don't have a virus!)
// Citizen Erased @ 11:58 AM

Aiyo.. Sam sleeps like a baby... Literally... "Cute" sia! How 'bout BBQ sauce on your lips?

Ah Ben: What La!

Ooooh..... Nice flames eh?

// Citizen Erased @ 5:38 PM
Xx Back From Chalet xX Hmmm.. Chalet wasn't that bad.. Except for a possible rift? Ok la.. This chalet wasn't really that boring nor was it exciting either.. It was rathr bland,I guess.. It could be because we didn't agree on any activities to do together... Some suggested swimming, but others just wanted to slack around.. Hmm.. That's bad..
Then BBQ.. BBQ was great... The food turned out right! Haha.. Everyone chipped in to help with the cooking or preparing stuff littat... Then comes the sucky part... This bloody
"cow" & another guy arrives... Piece of scat! Thinking of her just makes me wanna stab her a thousand times... This bloody woman, believe it or not, is probably a fucking 100 times worse than Chowdersaur... Omg.. Bloody turd... Don't ever wanna see her again... Sheesh.. Still buy apples... Nobody ask you to buy also.. Nobody eat also.. When we checked out, we just left it on the table... Who knows? It might be poisoned with cow turd... Sick! Wear her stinking crap socks and mess up the bed like
fock... They emptied 3 large bottles of drinks on their own.. What are they? Water tanks? Urgh.. Whatever... That's not all... Stinking bitch... Ask her nicely if she intends to stay overnight and she gives a bullcrap answer: A shrug... Whoa.. Then I really felt damn pissed.. So I just screwed them and told them to leave immediately or pay $15 to stay overnight... And that guy... SAy we siao.. Our case of "siao-ness" is already considered extremely mild as compared to your bitchy friend... Go home eat your vege la... Shove a whole bunch of cabbage down your throat... WTF... Bitchy attitude... This is probably one of the worst bitches I've ever seen... Probably worse than Miss Seow... Can you imagine that?
Ok.. 'Nuff of that bloody scat-head... I don't wanna say mcuh about Sam Chung... If he's really that sad.. There are only 3 options: 1. Fix it 2. Shut up & stop wailing on about it 3. End your life coz it's probably bleak... Come on.. Stop chanting "I'm always sad" as if it were your holy mantra... It's sickeningly grey & gloomy...
Ok... Joseph joined us at midnight.. Haha.. Forced him to come down... And so the remaining guys settled down to enjoy "Mr. Vampire".. Lols.. This movie is super crappy.. But Eugene's DVD was so utterly scratched certain parts of the move couldn't be read well... Then came the great anti-climatic hang at maybe 3/4 the film? So we played Uno instead... Played for about an hour and watched Badboys 2.. Ooh.. Helluva funny show... Watched it till dawn and soon everyone fell asleep.. Including me.. Ha.. Poor Jim had to squeeze with me coz there was a big gap in between the 2 joined single beds, which Eugene happily occupied one to himself... Watched Little KC shows on TV. Joseph & I transformed the seemingly innocent kids' shows into dirty stuff, as usual, by interpreting the characters' actions "differently"... Had a good laugh though...
Ok then... That's all.. We checked out and went home to get a good rest.. Till next time... Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 4:51 PM
Xx Another Saturday xX Sigh... It's just another saturday... Waiting for that 2D1N chalet to come... Actually lesser than 2D1N lo... Not even 24 hours... Dunno if should go Wild Wild Wet on Tuesday after chalet lei.. See got who go first ba...
Quite a few people starting school soon... Elaine, WQ & Manru starting their nursing course soon... RP's starting early as well... Wow.. Everyone is starting school yet I'm still here rotting to receive my enrollment package... Come on! When's it gonna arrive in the mail?!
Was playing NS just now... This player was from SRJC... "Cute Jac Jac" is the nick.. So I assume it's a girl? She said JC's fun... Yeah.. Who doesn't know that? Kinda begin to miss MJC for a while... Miss the Oh-So-Hated track; The food (Can't say it's tantalising though); The student bus fares!; The AC-ed hall (NCHS also have ma.. Hahas); The people (Alhenians, 05S324); Bitchy teachers like Ms Choy (OMG... I don't miss her! She's sadistic!); The nice LTs (But the plastic chairs a bit *erm*)....
Sigh... If only I had A math, I'd be there getting tortured by Pauline Choy, sweating my guts out running the track..... Haha... OK whatever... I think Jessie is like
The Wonder-woman... She also lacks A math & Pure science background but guess what, She's in NYJC... But yeah, There's a quality I lack thereof: Perserverance to the end... She "Hell-Yeah" has lots of that... I daresay she's less proficient in certain subjects as compared to me, but she just studies like "There's no tomorrow"! Sigh... When can I ever acquire that quality... Oh yeah... She also has a loving boyfriend in
NJC coaching her... *Rolls eyes and thinks*:"No wonder..."
Ok.. Digress too much liao.. That's all for today.. tata!
P.S: The Pope's going soon.. Although I'm not a christian but peace be with him, yeah?
// Citizen Erased @ 6:10 PM