Xx Sians xX Really no mood to blog now... Just feeling damn pissed... The more the merrier? I guess not... Especially when you dunno who the "more"s' are... Rot at home better I guess... Na.. I think having Chowdersaur around is probably infinitely better than having lurking "unknowns"... At least I know who she is and she's crappy to begin with...
<------ End Of Post ------>
// Citizen Erased @ 8:26 PM
Xx Boring KOTOR II xX Hmm.. Met up with OBY at Heartland Mall just now... Exchanged games... Got Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2(PC) from him..
Omg.. This game is boring like fuck... Forgive my profanities... But that's what I can really say about it... Don't ever play this game coz you'll just start crying tears of boredom... What's in the mind of the producers?! Giving you this stupid droid and an ugly Jedi Knight who doesn't even remember how to use his crap Force... And what next? Fight a bunch of crap mining drones that shoots lasers which does nothing but tickle you? Come on! Gimme a break! 2 stars out of 5... Not playworthy...
Shadow Of Rome(PS2)
Hmmm.. Now we're talking... Haha.. Haven't actually completed this game yet... Was playing it this morning...
The plot revolves around the assasination of Rome's Julius Caeser and how Agrippa, the main character, together with Octavianus(sp?), try to prove his father's innocence... Agrippa participates in gladiatorial games while Oct-y sneaks around gathering information about how the Senator frames Agrippa's father... Heh.. Shan't tell anymore... Spoiler ma... Haha..
The gladiator fights are "Woo-Hoo!" gory! Blood spurting everywhere like an endless river... Decapitate enemies as you see fit... You might even get a nice title for chopping of the most limbs! How 'bout Butcher Of Rome? Or Meat Carver? Sadists' Utopia is apt for the explicitly gory battles!
4 stars out of 5 for this one! Play it to satiate your endless thirst for violence!
Ok... On to the blogging part... Yeah as mentioned above, was playing these 2 games the whole day... Tomorrow Jim, Soo Guan & I are going to get the stuffs ready for the chalet... So I doubt I'm going for Red Cross training tomorrow... Wonder if it's gonna be enjoyable... I've caught wind on possible gatecrashers already... Sigh.. Why can't uninvited people just keep their long prying nose somewhere else... Itching for a good bashing... Hmm.. Can't bash.. Coz I heard the gatecrashers are girls =X... Gender advantage... Sigh... What to say.. If anyone really does gatecrash... I'll probably just "Sians 1/2" (+1/2 to every additional gatecrasher)
Note to all intending gatecrashers: Please do not arrive without invitation from the main organisers,namely Jim, Soo Guan & I. It's a basic courtesy to keep your bloody nose to yourself! If you really do gatecrash, Food will not be provided.. Feed yourself by going around begging for alms, you pathetic bottom-feeders... Ok la.. That's all for today! Till nest time, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 5:44 PM
Xx Chalet Setback xX Hmmm... Didn't go down to tampines to change the LOTR disc... Was kinda lazy la.. Go so far to exchange then go home... No point lei... Hais... Wasted $20... Nevermind... Will try to borrow it from OBY some day...
Well anyways, was supposed to meet Soo guan & Jim at CP to hand them the money for the chalet... Didn't go down as well... Lazy again =D So I told Jim to pay for me first, since he already owes me $5... The balance I'll return you another day hor!!
Soo oso told me Joseph & "Attapchi" couldn't go... Wow... It's amazing how much noise the former made when we were discussing the plans and all of a sudden... Poof! "I'm not going..." Fantastic!!!
Ok... I was playing The Sims 2 just now... Ok.. That game maybe a bit crappy but hey... It's interesting! My sim has a relationship aspiration... It has 6 "Woo-Hoo" partners... 2 Guys 4 Girls... LOLS! Damn funny... And the fireman is one of them... Wahahaha! But this aspiration gets bored after a while... Intending to change the Sim soon...
Chalet is next Monday & Tuesday! Weee!!! $49 for 2D1N... They say wanna play poker at night then dare the loser to eat chilli... Aiyo... Sians man... Must arm myself with milk liao... Coz I don't even know how to play.. Heh... Only know Blackjack 21...
Ok la.. That's all for today! Till next time, tata!!
P.S.: Guys! Please sign this petition to lower the Bus fares for Poly Students!
Bus Fare Petition
// Citizen Erased @ 9:07 PM
Xx Cheap & Disgusting + Bored! xX Hmmm.. Really needa wash my eyes after reading Jon's blog... Apparently ge's engaged in some "tongue-tying" action... Sooner or later, I believe, He'd engage in calorie-burning "exercises" on the bed... Keep watching his blog.. I believe that day will come when both bodies merge together to form one! How enlightening...
(Hope they contract some dirty disease.. Assholes!)Well Anyways... it's another boring saturday! Played a few rounds of Natural Selection and completed House Of The Dead 2 again... That game is like so easy.. Survived with an excess of 2 credits... Shall try a higher difficulty next time...
Thats all for today!
Till next time, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 4:11 PM
Xx Visit to Np & TP xX Hmmm... Spent like $7-8 worth of bus trips today! Ahhhh!!!! Nuts man.. Going to NP alone already cost around $2.. Haix.. Ok anyways, was accompanying Jimathan to Ngee Ann Poly today to submit his appeal... Hopefully it's accepted.. Hahas.. Don't go TP!! Bleah... Lols... Yeah.. Took 74 there.. Direct bus... Around 50 minutes approximately.. Well.. Not as bad as going to TP! Take bus to HG interchange then switch to 27 then switch to 15 again! Ahhh! Around 1 hour+ lo... Worse than going to NP...
Well anyways, NP was
HUGE! I only visited the Admin building.. It had a nice ambience.. Not really very conducive coz there was a lot of talking... The building itself was obviously of 1990s or 80s architecture.. But hey.. It still looked awesome! Look up towards the roof and you'll go "Whoa!"... I'm serious! Yeaps.. thne he submitted his form and we left NP to HG interchange again!.. Went to lunch at Macs first then took 27 to meet Soo Guan..
Basket.. Make me alight & waste money summore... Stupid jim! You owe me $5! Soo owe me $3.. Sam owes me $2!!! Ahhh! Loanshark =X After submitting his appeal form at TP (Again!), We went down to century square & TM to "jalan".. Hahas.. Guess who I saw? Wendy Teh (Ma'am)!! Hahas.. She still looks the same.. Hehs... Then jim went to scout out for phones for his mum.. Then came this indian MJC nutcase exclaiming "My phone! My phone!" while pointing at the mural of the latest Samsung phone on the wall.. Siao... Like as If I care if it's your phone.. I don't blame him though.. Staying in MJC probably made him nuts.. Lols...
After that we were on a Pirate Shop hunt... Found this shop selling PC games... Bought LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth game... Guess waht.. Disc 3 was so scratched up I couldn't even install the game! Crap!! Maybe going down on Monday to exchange.. They'd better gimme a good one or I'll "paotoh" them...
Hmmm.. Headed home at arnd 5.30... Tomorrow's Good Friday... Public holiday! Yeah.. But it doesn't affect me a single bit, does it? Ok..
Till next time, tata!!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:07 PM

Alhena 5 taupok!! (Taken from Danyuan's blog)

// Citizen Erased @ 10:53 PM
Xx Chalet Phase 1: Planning xX Hmm.. Went down to Pasir Ris to check out the chalet rates n stuff... The chalet itself isn't really that expensive la.. Just the food n BBQ necessities are da' bomb! There are 2 types of availale rooms... 1 is equipped with X-box; the other isn't... Wow.. Fine.. $10 difference.. But guess what?
Rent your own games at X-square! Omg.. then what's the damn point of tt freaking ugly green box...
Yeah.. Then we went to check out the prices of the food at Whitesand's NTUC... Saw Yanleng eating ice cream!! Lols... Long time never see him liao.. Haha..AKA Shrek,who was also the taupok victim @ the sentosa outing... Ok.. So we did all the checking n stuff... Hmm... A few good quality food stuffs but we try to control la... Like avoiding the taiwanese sausage... 2packs of that can barely give everyone a piece... And 2 packs of those sausages can buy us 4 packs of chicken franks!
Ok.. Logistics done... Then we headed for the LAN gaming shop on the 5th floor.. And guess what... The computers sucked even worse than crap I had to spend 5 minutes looking for a decent working one.. And what.. THe mouse sucked like crap still.. But at least still can play la... Hmm.. No wonder they give u extra 5 minutes when you purchase the 1-Hour prepaid ticket... Suckiest LAN gaming experience...
EVER!That's all for today! Tata!!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:32 PM
Xx Postings xX Hmm... Got teh JAE postings today... Posted to Ngee Ann's CHemical & Biomolecular Engineering.. Sort of expected it... Hmm.. So far not many people got into NP... Eugene chua, Christabel, Lid Yinn have also been posted to NP... Not so bad la.. At least got a few friends for good company...
Hmm.. I really hate regretters and people sitting on fences... Make up your damn mind... If you wanna take A levels then go take la! Not as if anyone is stopping you... And I really don't understand why people are so proud to get into courses which have COPs of like 26?! It's like... "Hey Look! I have a brain!" Fact is, No you don't... Come on, Gimme a break! Sheesh...
I'd also rather go to a Poly than to a rockbottom JC.. I mean, like what's the point.. A rockbottom JC would probably mean poor teachers which in turn generate at most mediocre results... Just my point-of-view...
Well anyways, today's gonna be another boring day... Shall go rot liao..
Till next time, tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 12:51 PM
Xx Screwed xX Hmm... Played DMC3 in the morning and afternoon... Super crazy game... Mash the buttons until hand can go cramp... haha... Well anyways, was asked to go out this afternoon... Had actually agreed initially but rejected it not long after..
Well.. Someone wanted to go down to God-Knows-Where to buy God-Knows-What-&-I-Seriously-Don't-Care... Hmm.. Perfect time to escape the boredom of being confined at home but then again... For some particular reason, I felt offended... And all along I thought the freedom of speech was present... So, hiding behind the facade of being lazy, I turned down the trip...
Wow... Seriously, why'd someone wanna dictate what another person writes in his/her blog... It's not in someone's perogative to do that, is it? Seriously, I don't care... I write what I want.. Read it at your own discretion... Love it or hate it, There's nothing I can do about it...
Then in the evening, Jim called me to ask me about the chalet... I was like.. Okay? Why're you asking me?
Reason was simple... I was the organiser... Cool! I didn't know i was
THE organiser all along... Since I was coerced into being one, I told him Just cancel it la... Nobody wants to do it then might as well just scrap the whole idea, which God-Knows-Who came up with it...
Hmmm... That sums up today's events... If anyone feels offended or whatsoever, There's nothing I can do about it... If you feel that my post is in reference to you, Don't feel so insecure...
Till next time, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:01 PM
Xx Reader Discretion Advised xX
Note to all readers of this blog
This is to inform you that whatever I write here is to my own discretion... If you feel strongly opposed or offended to any certain point in my blog, There is nothing you or I can do about it... I will not edit any posts under any circumstances...
Thank you for your cooperation! Have a nice day!
// Citizen Erased @ 1:03 PM
Xx Grandma's B'day xX Hmm... Was my grandma's B'day today.. Went to this "restaurant" for dinner... I don't even think it's considered a restaurant.. Well anyways, Let's summarise the food in 1 simple word - Sucks! The food was "fantastically" horrible... Was that even called food?
The oat prawns were puny in size and the amount of oat crumbs served was pathetic... The fish was cold ,not literally, Just that it felt overcooked? Dunno la.. And the mushroom! Tasted sour... Yuck...
And the worst part? 500 smackers per table... WTH?! This dinner isn't even worth balls... And it isn't really a restaurant... And the boss was just beaming away, perhaps because he chopped a lot of "vegetable heads" today... Bah!
Sigh... Tuition tomorrow... It's ok la... Must learn A.Math you know? It's damn important... No A. Math = No future in science... Ng lee huat lo.. Deprive me a chance of learning A.Math.. No brains to think sia that guy... Can't he just let us take A. Math in Sec 3 & 4... Then if we don't pass sec 3 EOY exams or Sec 4 exams then make us drop la! At least still got learn right?! Sigh... No point crying over spilled milk... Can't wait for poly to start :D... But I'm sure I'll die for the holidays once term starts.. Lols.. Ok la.. Gonna end here..
Till next time, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:55 PM

The Dancers!

// Citizen Erased @ 3:49 PM
Xx Back From Camp xX Wow... Back from a 3D2N camp.. Hmm.. Wasn't really that bad la... A lot of funny stuff! The Sec 3s leadership skills were brought out quickly & It's amazing how much they could do... It's kinda obvious who's gonna be what already... But hey... It's still quite early n' Don't count your chickens before they hatch... Everyone still has a chance to perform!
Well anyway, On to the funny stuff.. Day 2 night... Right before the firedrill, The cadets were told to do an impromptu "talent time" Show... Guess what, Julian Hu turned himself into a beutiful "Songstress" with boobs (Courtesy of the squadmates who supplied bandages for enhancement and me for tying the chest bandage =) )!! He & Weilin danced a Tango with utter perfection (As if la! Haha!)... Real funny, Laughed my guts out! (Pictures Above)
Really enjoyed quite a bit these few days, but certain parts of the camp were kinda stale... But hey, It's ineveitable, isn't it?
Anyway, Till next time! Tata!!
P.S: Hey Jim! Couldn't let you in coz Mr Rahim & the Sirs were around... The Ex-NCOs also threatened to kill me.. Hahas! Sorry!
// Citizen Erased @ 3:29 PM

Zen Charging... It pulsates!

// Citizen Erased @ 3:37 PM
Xx Camp! xX Hmmm.. Camp's coming up for the next 3 days... Is it gonna be fun? Or just full of defiance and nonsense... I can't tell which.. But a hunch tells me it's gonna be a mix of both, leaning towards the latter though... Well anyways, Charging my Zen up coz it's gonna be my friend for the next 3 days! Wee! Hope got time to listen to it... Maybe only at night ba... Whatever...
Haven't pack my stuff yet... Too lazy la... So many stuff to bring &
still must bring utensils... Eat from the pot suan le la... Lols! As for the drink, Drink from a bottle lo.. Bring cup for what.. So ma fan.. Then utensils almost always never fail to get mixed up 1.. That's why i hate to bring it...
Hopefully it'll be as fun as the previous june camp... Haha.. But hor, from that camp I learnt something... Kids these days are so pampered that they find 6 hours of sleep insufficient... And they can even complain about firedrill... Wow... I wouldn't say I am not spoilt at all or what la, But this kinda thing needa 'tahan' 1 what... Training camp is not leisure camp lei... Sigh... Must beef them up liao... Should I just turn into a nutcase that keeps yelling & yelling or just shrug off everything? Hmmm... Dilemma...
Ok la.. Shall stop here.. Will give ya'll an "after-camp" review...
Till then, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 3:21 PM
Xx Zen Micro! xX Woot! I got my very own Zen Micro! Yay!!!
Bought it at $299... Considering the current MP3 hoo-hah, it's quite a steal already! Experimenting with it right now... The plastic casing is realy attractive, especially the back... Slightly hypnotizing... hahaz...
Ok whatever.. Transferring my entire collection of songs into it right now.. Taking quite some time huh. Still have to create the playlists and stuff... It doesn't matter! It's a new toy! Woot...
But after spending 300 bucks I'm seriously broke... haha..
So do me a favour... Don't ask me out too often... Lols...
OK, Shall go back and continue experimenting..
P.S: I love my Zen and my N7610! Woot!
// Citizen Erased @ 2:19 PM
Xx IT Fair @ Suntec xX Phew... Back from the squeezing at the IT fair.. Was quite packed... The perfect wonderland for people who love frotteurism... hahas.. Gross sia.. Why am i talking about that?! Yucks! Ok whatever...
Went to find Shogi Master (lols), then we just walk around lo.. The laptops were selling at around $100 cheaper but then again, wait for JAE posting first then say... Creative was a big hit there... Super large area dedicated to them and a huge array of sound hardware and software displayed... Would love to get a Micro Zen @ $299 (was it?)... That's like a super star buy.. Hehs... And Creative were like using these "Bunny Girls" to attract attenton... Lols.. Wear so little and makeup so much.. Like some ChinaDoll prostitute... Lols.. Ok, that was over the border... But you get what I mean...
Half Life 2 was selling at $55... Hmm... Was that considered cheap? Nah... Wait for it to drop! Ahahaha! I'm not a hardcore fan of HL2 la... Unless Natural Selection is released on HL2 engine then I will surely buy it...
Ok... This is it... I just burned away a day of my life... When will school start?! Then again, when school starts, I'd probably be dying for the holidays... Ahh... The irony.. Hahas...
Till next time, Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:32 PM
Xx Cryptography xX Hmm... Just another boring day... Stayed home and slacked.. But slacking really is damn boring! School starts on May 30th! That's like 3 more months?! Ahhhhhh!!! I want school! I want laptop! Lols.. Just kidding about the latter part...
Anyways, was feeling damn bored when I suddenly thought of Dan Brown's "Digital Fortress" book... It's mainly about cryptography, so since I was so free i decided to go check it out on the net... Found quite a few cool stuff, including an encoder...
I just randomly typed a few words and encoded it using a linear equation encryption...
(Hint: Eqn was 10x + 5)
Try to decode it if you are curious... It's really interesting! Ok fine... I seriously doubt anyone would bother...
So anyways, If u find out, Just tag it on the tag board...
Till then, tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:08 PM
You Have A Type A- Personality |
You are one of the most balanced people around Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love! You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds |
// Citizen Erased @ 10:50 PM
The trophy and 2 Certificates

The trophy itself

// Citizen Erased @ 9:20 PM
Xx NCHS 58th Anniversary + Prizes! xX wee! I received 2 awards! Hahaha.. And I got to know valerie(sp?) as well... Lols.. Went to school at around 430... Hung around with kevin n the others until 5... Actually they told me to wear shirt coz it's supposed to be more formal.. But i didn't give a damn and I wore a jacket instead... Sheesh... what can they do?! Actually i didn't have shirt la.. So that's why I didn't wear one...
Well anyways... I was the first of the "Graduates" to arrive so sian! Until valerie came along then we just chat lo... Then along came those dreamoz people... Chong Zeng n Xiang Loong(Sp?)...
Not long after, the event began... The parade was ok la (as usual)... Arm swing sucked like hell (As usual... Hey I admit my batch also have that problem!) Then Keng Siong kept blocking the camera (live feed to the hall ma)... When the lady teacher pat his back and point towards the camera, he just look back with that kinda dazed look... Then everyone in the hall was giggling lo.. Lols...
Ok anyway... Ng Lee Huat showed up today.. That basket still dare to show his cheek... Dump me in that kinda class then smack his butt and resign... I never walk up to him and give him a helluva slap is considered lucky already...
Then came prize giving... XL got 3 awards lo! I got 2... Hahas.. 1 was the Academic Star Award and the other was for the Combined Science thingy la... They just gave a trophy and 2 Certs. ... No cash prize =( .... Haha.. But it's alright la... Not always about the money.. The trophy don't look that bad either (As seen above)...
After the whole event, I just left lo.. Got buffet dinner in the canteen.. But can't be bothered la.. Nobody eat with me also... Then, that wraps up for today!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:54 PM
Xx Lemony Snickets' + Bummin'... xX Hmm.. Just back from bumming along Orchard road... Soo guan went to submit his "proposal" to some J-Pop shop... Wanting to advertise for his silly Lil' Namie Amuro club... lols! Just Kidding la... Then he bought a $2 4R(?) picture of amuro... Omg! $2 can buy you a few pieces of photo paper liao... Can print like 8 times more? Hahas...
Then we just walk around lo... Saw this Metal Gear Solid: Solid Snake Figurine... $249.90... Seriously.. They can keep it for all they want.. Haha!
Went Cineleisure to watch Lemony Snickets': A Series of unfortunate events... Aiya.. It's a fairly average movie la.. The baby named "Sunny" is damn funny.. Lols... Jim carrey of coz is another crackpot la... Ba-Na-Na... Hahas.. Maybe 3 of 5 stars for this show? And ya... My shirt got screwed by the nachos cheese and I had to go Gio to buy a new shirt.. Farkin crap... WAsted 12 bucks just like that.. Dammit... And btw... The cheese was like freaking diluted... Maybe 1 part cheese to 1 part water?
Hmmm... Tomorrow must go to school for prize presentation! Yay! I got an award!! Woot... I bet xiang loong will be there 1 la... One of the top scholars... Just wanna get that prize and leave.. Haha...
Anyway.. Signing off now.. tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 9:44 PM
Xx Thinking... xXHmm... Today's the last day of the JAE application... Having last thoughts to decide if I should amend my application... But then again.. Most likely not la... But then again.. what if I don't make it into a U?
It's all about taking calculated risks... - Mrs Choong, MJC tutor
SOo guan gonna work for his uncle at this exhibition thingy... Jim wants to go disturb him but i dunno when to go lei.. feel like going today! Hahas... Maybe can go there buy some online game as well..
But aiya... Not a lot of great releases (except for HL2?).. I Ain't exactly into HL2 but i like its mods.. Heard they were stunningly awesome.. Lols.. Ok whatever..
SIgning off for now.. Tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 10:12 AM
That "Handsome, Hot, Shuai" guy called Jimathan Fu.. Lols! Dun be jealous liao ah! Wahaha! Attention seeker...

// Citizen Erased @ 3:19 PM
Xx Boring Sunday Morning + Jimathan's Full Entry xXHmm... Nothing much today... Relaxed a lot since yesterday's incident... Just hoping for school to start soon... It's so boring staying at home! I also want the laptop!! Wahahaha!
Had A. Math tuition this morning.. Learnt Matrix... Apparently she said it's important in engineering.. So i must master it.. Muahahaha..
Eh But so easy lo.. Easier than E Math... Sians... I can forsee that it's gonna be a darn boring week ahead... Sigh! Soo guan going for work... Maybe can go down and ka jiao him.. Hahas.. Anyone wants to go bumming, drop me a line... Hahas...
Hmmm... As for that jimathan.. What can i say.. He damn good la hor.. Go Np wif me.. Win liao lo.. You best la...
Eh I really dunno what to say about you lei... You damn handsome, shuai, hot and all kinds of shit la.. Ok?! Happy now?> See i still include picture leis!
Hahahahas! Eh.. wanna go down and ka jiao soo guan when he's working at the Expo? Msg me asap.. haha!!
Woot! I managed to convince OBY into going to NP! Yay!!! Another friend on the same boat... Hahas! So far those who are going to NP(I think): Jim, Chris, OBY, Pris, Eungene Chua?, Evelyn,..... Dunno liaos... Will try ta find out!!
Till then... tata!
// Citizen Erased @ 3:07 PM
Xx Frustrated xXI knew this was coming... A-level results were released yesterday... And guess what my mum said?
The following convo is translated into English for easy digestion :D
"You know the school you joined for first 3 months did quite well in A levels?"
"I feel that its quite a wasted chance... You should have stayed on..."
What the hell?! Feel so damn pissed now... What's up with JCs anyway? Bunch of losers n Posers that think they are so great! So what if i stayed on... Would she prefer I continue to fail math like there's no tomorrow?! Fuck it! Fuck all the JCs! Bomb the fuck outta them... Fuck those fucking fuckers! A-level big deal meh? Ao many people getting straight As... Still can be so proud of themselves... Just fuck off!
ArgH!!!! Crap shit fuck damn! *Lets off steam*
*Pants* Ok.. Im fine now... Hahas... But i'm still caught in a whirl of thoughts... The thoughts don't make any solid sense... Just like as if it's thinking hard about something but nth comes out...
Hmm... Editting this entry... New addition--->
Quote from Yiwen's tutor: "do not choose e easist route in front of your eyes. precisely bcus e route is difficult should u try ur best to complete it."
Words of wisdom... Yes i agree.. I've been thinking lately... Either way (JC or poly) lands you with a U degree... It's just a matter of differing paths...
My heart tells me nothing... So does my head... I'm just so lost...
Someone help me get out of these conflicting emotions.... I needa admit myself into HG chalet if this carries on...
Ah whatever... Hmm... As for tt jimathan fu... Sorry i can't give u an entire post... Mind malfunction... Shall do it another day... sigh...
// Citizen Erased @ 11:31 AM
Xx The Lunacies Of English xX*The following is taken from DanYuan's blog! Hope u dun mind! Hahas*
We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes; but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes. One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, yet the plural of moose should never be meese. You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice; yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.
If the plural of man is always called men, why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen? If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet, and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth, why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?Then one may be that, and three would be those, yet hat in the plural would never be hose, and the plural of cat is cats, not cose. We speak of a brother and also of brethren, but though we say mother, we never say methren.
Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim.
Some other reasons to be grateful if you grew up speaking English:
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) At the Army base, a bass was painted on the head of a bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) After a number of Novocain injections, my jaw got number.
19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
22) I spent last evening evening out a pile of dirt.
Screwy pronunciations can mess up your mind! For example...If you have a rough cough, climbing can be tough when going through the bough on a tree!
Let's face it - English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England.
We take English for granted.
But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly,boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?
If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Sometimes I think all the folks who grew up speaking English should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.
In what other language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wiseguy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm goes off by going on.
If Dad is Pop, how's come Mom isn't Mop?
// Citizen Erased @ 11:27 AM
Hmmm... Very first blog leis...
Don't intend to broadcast it to everyone via MSN...
Im just using this as an output for my mad ramblings of life and etc la.. So keeping it simple... Im not like those blogger pros out there.. So damn flashy! Well anyway, here goes...
Did my JAE this morning.. L1R4 11; L1R5 15...
Placed Chem n Biomolecular engineering at NP as 1st choice... Haha... I have 6 choices of NP lo... Although it's really kinda damn far but I don't mind going coz my friends are there! Hopefully... Not like that soo guan.. Pangseh me.. Haha.. Jimathan n whoever is going NP da best... See ya'll at NP yeah?!
{Happy now?!}
I would have gone to SP if it weren't for it's anti colourblind policies (YES! I'm colourblind!)... But aiya.. Kind Cruel heaven decides to "bless" me with this "gift"... Oxymoronic phrases: I just love them, But seldom use it though. Hahas...
I feel like I'm letting my parents down by going to a Poly instead... Hopefully I'm wrong... I guess you can say I'm the least brightest crayon amongst my 2 brothers... I don't possess the brains that can send me to prestigious schools like RI or AJC... I don't blame anyone, Just myself...
Hmm... Skipped my orientation group dinner today... I feel kinda detached from tehm already... So it doesn't really affect me anyways. Just glad to have known them...
As for my class 05S324 (1st 3 months,) I'll miss them lots... THey just rock my life.. haha... The Civics Tutor, Mrs Choong, also deserves a pat on the back... Thanks for giving me advice when i needed it... MJC simply rocks my socks!
I think I'll just end of here.. Shall carry on another time.. That yiwen bugging me to play "Bejewelled" with her... Hahas.. Till next time!
// Citizen Erased @ 11:32 PM