Xx 070309 Update xXShall just do a quick update.
I finished my BSLC about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, I've been posted to the dreaded ASLC. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to end up in Echo company. If I were to end up in Charlie company, I don't think I'd be able to last very long.
So far, ASLC has been pretty ok. I've already passed the course, in essence that is, since I've managed to clear my SOC in 9m20s. As long as I don't fall sick for too long or miss the stupid field camps. Speaking of field camps, I'll be spending 7 days out in the fields of Thailand. I'll be there for 3 weeks, and the thought of it is really daunting.The CO of SISPEC said it's not gonna be hot, but DAMN hot. But, I believe I'll be able to pull through.
In any case, the 3SG rank will be mine!!! Hiah!!! And the good news is, 80 lucky souls from my batch will be chosen to return to the sunny island of Tekong! Slacker life, here I come! =D
That's about it.
Wait for my next post...
P.S. 32km route march bundled with navigation, ATP and river crossing is on this coming week. Worst of all, it's gonna be on Tekong, where the roads are really f-ed up... Die!
// Citizen Erased @ 8:41 PM
Xx 2009 New Year Resolutions xXAs quickly as it came, 2008 is now a thing of the past.
Looking back, 2008 was quite a milestone for most of us. We completed our 3-year study at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and began to go our separate ways. It's a pity, but it's the ineveitable.
For the girls who aren't so fortunate to make it to universities have begun their careers in this big capitalist world. For those who manage to further their studies embark on another paper-chasing journey in hopes to embellish their resume with another "endorsement".
For the "unlucky" bunch of us who are born in Singapore with an extra "appendage" have to go through the rigors of National Service (or National Servitude as I would put it). We are now into our 4th or 7th month of service, and I daresay there's still a long road ahead.
In any case, let me set some goals for 2009.
1) Use less vulgar language! ***
I know I've this bad habit of shooting off profanities at whim. From this day on, I shall try to refrain from using such language. And if I do, I probably didn't really mean it.
2) Maintain/ Improve my IPPT results
I managed to attain Silver standard for my IPPT during a recent categorization test. My scores aren't that fantastic. I barely made the Silver timing for 2.4km run and shuttle run. Guess the only exercise that will help most is the exercise that I dread most: Running. Well, I can only suck thumb and do it. =(
3) Survive all the stupid courses and get promoted to 3SG
BSLC so far is still quite manageable. From there on, I really hope that I do not get into ASLC. As mentioned in the previous post, I'm not sure where I'd really like to go, but at the end of everything, I really do want to survive and earn the chevrons.
I guess that's about it for my New Year Resolutions. It should be reasoably attainable. Guess we just gotta wait another 365 days to find out!
Cheers! Au revoir!
// Citizen Erased @ 5:02 PM
Xx Bye BMT, Hello SISPEC xXHey guys (whoever bothers to come here still), here I am finally, updating what's going on in my life.
Firstly, I finished BMT and graduated from the super-sunny-and-hot Pulau Tekong about 3 weeks ago. Being a Leopard recruit was definately enjoyable, plus it was very much THE welfare company. Basically, our field camp wasn't much of a big "tekan session"; we didn't have to crawl through the shithole (almost literally) in the Battle Assault Course; we had many Friday bookouts; and other small perks that are simply too much to count. Most of all, I kinda miss training with my BMT bunkmates, whom I recently went on a Hong Kong trip with.

Now, I'm moving on to the next phase of my NS "journey". I've been posted to Kilo company of SISPEC. SISPEC basically trains "Specialists", which are more commonly known as Sergeants. Kilo company, so far, has not exercised any welfare benefits. How I wish I was in Golf or Hotel (which many people say it's almost practically a hotel). Anyway, the SAF has come up with a new "rank" for soldiers training to become Specialists. Officer Cadet School have their Officer Cadets, so naturally School of Infantry Specialists must also have their Specialists Cadets right? My batch, the 50th BSLC, shall be the pioneer batch to be bestowed the rank of SCT.

Basically, the new rank is just half the Sergeants' chevrons pinned on the right sleeve. Along with this new rank, is the incredible allowance of $490. The money is secondary to where I will want to be posted to after BSLC. I haven't actually thought of where I want to be, but I really do not want to advance to ASLC or even worse, Recce troopers. Anyway, my fate shall be decided in 8 weeks time, provided I survive BSLC.
So, I guess that's about it. So far the training is still manageable, but I have a feeling it's gonna be kicked up several notches faster that I can even say "What the..."
Till next time, Au revoir.
// Citizen Erased @ 5:55 PM
Xx Back from Tekong xXAlright. So my 16 night confinement just ended yesterday. FYI, I had the longest confinement amongst my friends. Boohoo. Anyway, nothing exciting to talk about here. Basically just training everyday. Shall be booking in on Wednesday night. Sian!
Went for the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix last night. It was pretty good. Taking photos was damn difficult. Had to shoot through the fence and panning photos aren't easy. Posted some shots on Facebook. Here are some, if you're too lazy to visit FB.

Argh! Nothing much to say. Shall go do something else. BMT really makes one lose his intelligence. Haha!
// Citizen Erased @ 5:17 PM
Xx Apocalypse xX
Will miss my room. And my new bed, which just came on Monday. Zzz.
// Citizen Erased @ 12:12 AM
Xx Bye Sulzer xXIt was my second "Last Day" at Sulzer last Friday. I guess I won't be going back there for at least 5 years. Anyway, I could've ended my stay on the 29th of this month. But I decided to leave a little early for several reasons (that shall only be known to myself. =P)

Had a few "Farewell" meals. Had dinner with my team at Ma Maison (again) last Monday. It was a treat from the boss, Jiaping. Anyway, it was quite an enjoyable night... Though it would be great if work issues could've been dropped from the conversations. Then again, what else can we talk about? Haha.

Oh yeah. They bought me a shirt and a cap as part of my birthday and farewell gift. Yongwei said the cap would definitely come in handy soon (I'm sure you know when). I was about to buy a cap anyways.

May Mong decided to give me a lunch treat on Friday at Crystal Jade. I didn't expect anything from her, since she's totally from another department. Maybe it's 'coz I talk too much crap with her.
Lastly, I had dinner with Francis at Holland Village. We went to a place called Tapas Wine Bistro. The food's pretty good and the place has great ambience. I felt kinda bad as it was quite a hefty bill (plus another dinner at Billy Bombers last month). Usually I'd return the treat with some drinks, but his stomach was acting up again. Anyway, told him I'd return him the treat next time.
Yong Wei
Poh Khim
Boss - Jiaping; Sales GM - Mr. Chan
Mostly Chemicals Group I people =) Well. It was a great experience working with such great colleagues. I hope I will have the same luxury when I do eventually step out into the working world.
"National Servitude" is up next. What a fucking waste of time. Think of all the productive man hours lost. Stupid idea. Sheesh.
I guess that's about it. Redang trip tomorrow! Whoot!
Auf wiedersehen.
// Citizen Erased @ 4:26 PM